JS: Function Parameters
Number of Arguments Not Checked
JavaScript doesn't check the number of arguments passed in a function call.
- If there are more arguments passed in a function call than declared parameters, they are ignored.
- If less, then extra parameter variables have values of undefined .
function ff(x) { return x; } // extra arguments are ignored console.log(ff(2, 3, 4) === 2);
const gg = ((x) => x); // extra arguments are ignored console.log(gg(2, 3, 4) === 2);
// unfilled parameters have value of undefined function gg(x, y) { return y; } console.log(gg(3) === undefined);
// unfilled parameters have value of undefined const gg = ((x, y) => y); console.log(gg(3) === undefined);
Parameter Default Value
Rest Parameters
Function Argument Destructure
the γargumentsγ Object
How to find the number of arguments passed?
The total count of arguments passed is arguments.length
How to find out how many parameters are required?
JavaScript, Function
- JS: Define Function
- JS: Arrow Function
- JS: Function Parameters
- JS: arguments Object
- JS: Function Rest Parameters
- JS: Function Argument Default Value
- JS: Function Argument Destructure
- JS: Function Declaration vs Function Expression
- JS: Closure
- JS: Function Call, Apply, Bind
- JS: Functional Programing
- JS: Function Pipe π
- JS: Function Object
- JS: Function Constructor
- JS: Function.prototype