Barefoot Shoes
Weweya Barefoot Shoe
Bought this in 2021-04.
Been wearing it daily about 2 hours a day for 4 months now. Love it. Haven't seen any wear. Excellent.
- about 2 hour wear a day, for 6 months.
- 2023-03-21 bought a new weweya again.
WHITIN Men's Minimalist Shoe
2021-12-20 George suggested to try this one. Buy at amazon
got this.
- Turns out, this is not as flat. It got some 0.5cm pad.
- when you wear it, it has a clown shoe feel. each time you take a step, it feels like the front flops.
- 2022-01-19 I prefer Weweya.
2023-03-21 the pad inside, worn a hole in the sole part. this is about exactly 1 year wear, about 1 hour a day, walking on concrete sidewalk.
xero shoes
2024-08-12 recommended to me by Robin Wils.