Best Computer Desk
Folding Table
My favorite computer desk, is actually ulitility folding table. Why? Because i like pure functionality. A utility folding table is a big surface. You can pile your books, papers, devices, pizza plates, coffee mugs. It is light weight, sturdy, and cheap. It's pure functionality. And you can make out on top of it. It is the fruit of science of engineering.
Standing Desk
Belabor Ya Bum
Standing desk, i think is great too, but i've only used for 10 min.
If i want a standing desk, it's gonna be hand cranked one. I got working hands. None of the comfort crap. Standing means stand. Inline with the spirit, you crank it up and down!
For standing desk, i think, i'd rather have 2 desks instead. One for sit, one for standing. Like, every hour or 2, you stand up to the standing desk, and read stuff. Documentation, etc. Lots. This reduces the complexity.
But after more thought, 1 sitting desk is enough. What you really need to do, is get up and walk for 10 minute, walk, look far, every 2 hours. and, do exercise 30 minutes every 2 days.
Standing desk aint gonna fix ye back pain. it's yuppie's wishful thinking.
Wobble Board
I tried this on a standing desk for 10 min. I love it.