Trackball Roller Plus

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Trackball Roller Plus

this trackball is marketed under several names

This one is beautiful.

traxsys esterline trackball roller plus 2
Traxsys Trackball Roller Plus.

The brown translucent cover is removable. The purpose of the cover is to prevent accidental clicks.

How much? I found $280 online, while another site is $400+. You'll have to search.

Manufacture home page at

Ball diameter

Ball diameter: 63.5 mm 〔see Trackball Ball Replacement

Spin Ball

the ball can spin, for about 5 seconds. Amazing.

trackball roller plus spin 2024-06-26
trackball roller plus KctJ


traxsys trackball buttons

The blue button on lower right is a drag lock. (equivalent to holding the left button)

The button north of the trackball is X-Y switch. “ Pressing this switch once gives left-right cursor movements only, pressing again gives up-down only. To cancel this function the switch should be pressed a third time. Selection of this function is indicated by an LED at the top left of the unit.”

The lower left button, with picture of man running, is speed control button. Basically, a DPI switch.

traxsys esterline trackball roller plus 1
Traxsys Trackball Roller Plus.

Quartz Ball

penny and giles roller plus trackball
image source


Esterline trackball 2024 DBJKc
Esterline trackball and Microsoft Trackball Explorer 〔photo by Christos (avsbq)〕
roller plus trackball and expert mouse
Kensington ExpertTrackball Roller Plus image source
roller plus trackball 39749-s
〔image source reddit

Roller Bearings

roller plus bearings 20240730 202451
roller plus bearings 20240730 202451 〔photo by Christos (avsbq)〕

Traxsys Trackball Roller II

traxsys esterline trackball roller ii p1 800x800
Trackball Roller II.



2024-06-17 thanks to Christos (avsbq) ball spin videos.