Xah Fly Keys Layout for Gergo keyboard

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Gergo is a unique keyboard. To design a layout for it, we take advantage of unique gergo keyboard properties. The outer side keys on the left/right edge of the keyboards, are easy keys. And the thumb keys, are easy keys.

Ranking of Thumb Keys Ease

For thumb keys, there is the question of which are most easy to press. This depends on your hand size. In order to come up with optimal layout, we need to know which of the thumb keys are easier to press. Let's look at the left hand keypad for example. There are two smaller thumb keys let's call them s1 s2, from left to right, and two vertical ones, call them v1 v2, from left to right. The most easy thumb key may be the right small key, or, the left vertical key.

So, there are two options in layout. If you have smaller hands, then assume the s2 is the most easy thumb key. If larger handes, we assumes the v1 is most easy thumb key.

Xah Fly Keys Layout

Emacs: Xah Fly Keys ๐Ÿ“ฆ layout, id x1v2, for gergo keyboard, 2020-06-27.

gergo xah fly keys layout L0 2020-06-27 sjfb2
gergo xah fly keys layout L1 2020-06-27 jhvx6 crop
gergo xah fly keys layout L2 2020-06-27 4fb54


Layout file: gergo_layout_xah_lee_x1v2_zx8pg.json

Xah Layout n1

This is the first layout i created with gergo. Created on 2020-06-22. I was trying to quickly come up with a dvorak layout, so i can actually use gergo. I did not know the qmk features much, nor familiar with gergo yet.

This design is more close to traditional layout, but is not close to optimal, and does not take unique advantage of the physical gergo keyboard nor the qmk abilities.

gergo xah n1 layout L0 2020-06-22 fk3v2
xah n1 layout, L0
gergo xah n1 layout L1 2020-06-22 8nq75
xah n1 layout, L1
gergo xah n1 layout L2 2020-06-22 d7dqv
xah n1 layout, L2

Layout file: gergo_layout_xah_lee_n1_2020-06-23_g5smk.json