Wolfram: Which, Switch
Branch Switch by Testing Each Expression
Which[ test1, value1, test2, value2 etc]
eval each of the test in turn, return the value corresponding to the first one that yields
.To have a catch-all test, add a last test to be just
.Which[ 3 > 9, aa, 3 > 4, bb, True, cc ] (* cc *)
Branch Switch by Pattern Match a Value
Switch[test, pattern1, value1, pattern2, value2 etc]
eval test, then compares it with each of the pattern in turn, eval and return the value corresponding to the first match found.
The comparison is done with
MatchQ[test, pattern]
〔see Wolfram: Pattern Matching〕To have a catch-all test, add a last test to be the pattern
.Switch[ 4, 3, aa, 4, bb, _, cc ] (* bb *)
Switch[ {x, y}, 3, aa, {_,_} , bb, _, cc ] (* bb *)