Wolfram: Writing a Package
here's how to write a package.
What is Package
A WolframLang / Mathematica package is a file of WolframLang code, designed for a specific task. It is similar to other programing language's library.
Effectively, it is a file of function definitions. And a way to specify which name are exported, and which name are private to the package.
Package Structure
A package has this structure of Context for controlling which symbol is to be exported. 〔see Wolfram: Context (Namespace)〕
BeginPackage[ PackageContextName ];
(* symbols to be exported here. *)
(* code here. *)
By convention, the symbols you want to export start with captical letters.
(* example of a package. this package exports 2 symbols, named: Add1, Add2. it has a private symbol named: xone *) (* declare a namespace *) BeginPackage[ "AddStuff`" ]; (* Usage docstring here. But most importantly, they declare the exported symbols. If you don't want to write docstring, you should at least put exported symbols here. *) Add1::usage= "Add1[n] adds 1 to n."; Add2::usage= "Add2[n] adds 2 to n."; (* start a new private namespace *) Begin["Private`"]; (* example of a private symbol, variable *) xone = 1; Add1[n_] := n + xone; Add2[n_] := n + 2; End[]; EndPackage[];
Note: WolframLang package file names should end in .wl
Before 2010, they end in .m