Xah Programing Blog Archive 2019-07
golang's type and lowness
golang's type and lowness is starting to get me. whenever you need a list of element that's tuple of diff types, you need to create a type, namely struct.
Golang Tutorial learn Golang in 1 hour
Python 3 Adoption python image lib still no support py3. updated
Isopsephy puzzle
a=1, b=2, c=3 etc. love = 12+15+22+5=54. find another word that's 54.
great read.
〔A Book from Alan Turing… and a Mysterious Piece of Paper By Stephen Wolfram. At https://blog.stephenwolfram.com/2019/08/a-book-from-alan-turing-and-a-mysterious-piece-of-paper/〕
bitcoin ₿ key is 34 chars. is there a standard where to split? like every 5 chars or 10?
Unicode: Greek Alphabet α β γ updated.
Xah Talk Show schedule
ok, finally i have a schedule. Thx to BartholomewJS's incessant prompts. 😇
All time is San Francisco time.
- 2019-08-17 Sat, 10am
- 2019-08-18 Sun, 10am
- 2019-08-19 Mon, 10am
- 2019-08-20 Tue, 10am
- 2019-08-21 Wed, 10am
topic is undecided. But basically the subject is going to be any of:
- unicode
- emacs tips
- emacs lisp live coding + tutorial
- JavaScript live coding + tutorial
- keyboard
- programing language
go YouTube xahlee sub + 🔔
gitorious.org cert expired. probably a ghost town by now.
that guy, Vladimir Voevodsky, i think spend only few years and invented homotopy type theory. So i think one have a chance getting acquainted with the whole logic/proof/foundation if reading say 2 hours for 4 years. Much thanks to @johncarlosbaez for showing me much math.
Category Theorists, Do You Speak Formal Logic?
my complaint about category theory: On wikipedia, even graduate level math subjects, are well written with formal definition given. If i persist, i can see myself understand it after days. Not so with category theory.
e.g. Wikipedia category theory page doesn't give proper definition (maybe it's there, but typically hard to tell). Then, category books tend to talk chapters after chapter informally and drag in lots of wishy washy analogies. i lost patience.
Xah Talk Show 2019-08-01 programing languages and their culture. perl python ruby
JavaScript, why there is no "use js2015" pragma to clean up the language?
Binary/Hexadecimal Converter (added a tutorial)
camelCase vs snake_case (updated)
See also: Computer Languages Characters Frequency
Perl Books Survey 2002 (updating some dead links)
programing language where you can copy paste any function anywhere
i really want a language where you can copy paste any function definition in any project and use in another project. doesn't seem to exist. For this to work, the function param must encode any dependency, of global var and libs.
for text processing, golang code is 1.5 or 2 times longer than python
for text processing, golang code is 1.5 or 2 times longer than python. python is about 1.5 times longer than emacs lisp.
elisp is shorter due to elisp designed for text processing. no need to deal with bytes, encoding, opening file, file handle, etc, even backup is just turn on a var. and one has cursor position, buffer etc.
python is shorter than golang due to golang is lower level, and typed. much more declaration, handling low level stuff, byte/string conversion, and notorious golang error checking problem.
See also: Text Processing: Emacs Lisp vs Perl
Unix Pipe as Functional Language (minor update)
LISP, What Does Symbolic Language Mean? (Finished update.)
video of Daniel Friedman. programing language researcher
https://vimeo.com/161794995 that's Daniel Friedman, one of the few experts on programing language design. haven't seen him before. #lisp #scheme
programing lang design is mostly a community of amateurs. Because, it has relatively little practical value and little theoretical value, in contrast to actual coding or math.
nested heterogenus data in typed lang. Or, important json data to golang.
run into a problem with golang, or typed lang in general. In json, or python ruby perl JavaScript, you can have arbitrary nested map/array. In golang, you can't due to types. you have to declare or create the structure before hand. How's this done? going to look into.
@kerukeion right. but the issue to me seems to be the declaration part. e.g. i was coding a script, in python etc i'd just code the nesting. But in go, seems i need to first think about, design, then declare, the structure first. am now wondering, when importing json, what does go json lib do? gonna look into.
began to read #golang json lib
In python you just
python_obj = json.loads(str)
in JavaScript you just
js_obj = JSON.parse(str)
This is interesting issue about typed lang importing structure from dynamic lang.
golang tried to have a try
golang tried to have a try https://github.com/golang/go/issues/32437
if golang start to have a try or even the jargon “exception”, i'll stop using golang. i'd rather type if err != nil { panic(err) } every 10 lines.
youtube-dl --update, be careful!
when you use youtube-dl --update
you have to be careful. because who knows if author changed or got brought out.
haskell making invalid state not representable by type
- haha, nice try. The last item is a pipe dream.
- actually, it's impossibe to always auto fix error too.
- in fact, nor is it possible to always suggest fix.
- Gussing what's wrong can't be done neither.
- Actually any semantic program logic error can't be fixed by language.
- by god, syntactic error is theoretically impossible to remove too when you move semantics into syntax such as haskell.