Unicode: IPA æ

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a phonetic (pronunciation) notation designed for all human languages.

IPA Symbols for English

ɑ æ ɛ ɪ ə ɝ ɔ ʊ ː

American Phonetic Symbols

ā ä ē ĕ ī ĭ ō ŏ ȯ ô û ü

Phonetic Symbols Comparison

IPAAHDMWSample Words
ɑːäädark, heart, park, car, hark, father
ɑŏdot, pot, hot, pop, bob, body
æaadad, bad, at, bat, pal, pat, add, cat, fat
ɛĕebet, pepper, desk, fetch, neck
āāray, A, H, eight, take, date, bake, pain
ɪĭ'iit, dig, pig, drink
ēēeat, pee, see, heat, beat
oōōpole, dole, dough, oh
ɔːôȯwalk, talk, saw, Paul
ɝûəwork, were, bird, dirt, nurse, stir, courage
əbut, butt, bud
ʊo͝otook, book, look, hook, cook, hood, foot, good, put
uo͞oütwo, spook, shoot, hoot,goose, influence,
īīdie, kite, like, light, I, high, try
ouau̇vow, bow
IPAAHDMWSample Words

IPA is used by Oxford dictionaries and basically all dictionaries around the world, except American. American dictionaries each cook up a idiosyncratic scheme. The Longman dictionary of American English uses IPA, a exception to the rule.

Latin Based Characters