Dactyl keyboard

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

The Dactyl keyboard is made by Matt Adereth, around 2014-04.

Dactyl keyboard top view 52983
Dactyl keyboard 〔image source http://imgur.com/a/HdE5t

Total key count: 70.

Dactyl keyboard front 57990
Dactyl keyboard
Commando 23 Dactyl keyboard 95964
Dactyl keyboard.

Typing on the Dactyl Keyboard

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vidthumb 5A h3WEEdyk

Dactyl keyboard is the best

The best keyboard, that i've ever put my hands on, is now, Dactyl keyboard.

〔see San Francisco Keyboard Meetup 2017

It's super light and elegant! and, is the most comfortable of all, more comfortable than Kinesis Advantage.

kinesis dactyl keyboard 201711 52a0-s1386x1039
Kinesis Advantage2 KeyboardDactyl keyboard 4032×3024 〔image source https://imgur.com/gallery/ust1e by toydirt〕

3D Modeling, Keyboard Design, Clojure, and Emacs

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Truely enjoyed this video. You see 3D modeling software, 3D printing, keyboard design/making, using clojure to control, and finally, emacs too!

See his blog at 〔3D Printing With Clojure By Matt Adereth. At http://adereth.github.io/blog/2014/04/09/3d-printing-with-clojure/ , accessed on 2015-11-16〕


Dactyl keyboard 38710 s
〔image source reddit
Dactyl keyboard 54199
Dactyl keyboard. 〔image source reddit

Where to Buy

build instructions https://github.com/adereth/dactyl-keyboard

prebuild for sale https://ohkeycaps.com/products/built-to-order-dactyl-manuform-keyboard

Dish Surface Keyboards