Speed Typing on Multiple Layouts (QWERTY, Dvorak, Colemak)

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Speed typing in Qwerty Dvorak Colemak by Jashe

Is it possible to type 2 layouts fluently?


This guy, jashe poon, can type fast in qwerty, dvorak, colemak, switch between them in the same session, and with result of 158 wpm.

vidthumb iajFOneci04
jashe poon typist 2020-08-11 dynGk
jashe poon typist 2020-08-11 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_8AeIFkslnFSYmbLv--Eww/videos

Speed typing in Qwerty Colemak Canary by mythicalrocket

Layoutfluid 220 WPM rocket 2022

Touch type, speed typing