Tony Aldon Keyboard Layout
It took me about a month for the first version:
- 1. I started with the Bépo layout (I'm french),
- 2. I placed 'tab', 'backspace','return' in the middle,
- 3. I removed 'é','è','à'... (can be done with dead accent),
- 4. I put P(previous), N(next), B(backward), F(forward), 'X', ... in one side, 'Ctrl' in the other for emacs use,
- 5. I added 'Alt Gr' in the middle to get quick acces to third depth of the keyboard,
- 6. (third depth) I grouped ponctuation .,:; and ' to stantard writing,
- 7. (third depth) then I put most used character in programming languages <>{}()[] in one side and |\=%@ in the other,
- 8. then learn the layout and make some tweaks
Is it better with a disclaimer? ☺
Tony Aldon layout, on github