WolframLang: Define Function with Optional Parameters
There are 2 main ways to define function with optional parameters.
- Optional Positional Parameters
- Optional Named Parameters
Optional Positional Parameters
The optional positional parameters come after required parameters. When not given, default values are used.
typically, you define them like this:
etc] :=
Clear[ f ]; f[a_, b_:3] := {a, b} ; (* second arg is not given. default to 3. *) f[x] (* {x, 3} *) f[x,y] (* {x, y} *)
Clear[ f ]; (* defining a function with more than one optional positional parameters *) f[a_, b_:3, c_:4] := {a, b, c} ; f[x] (* {x, 3, 4} *) f[x,y] (* {x, y, 4} *) f[x,y,z] (* {x, y, z} *)
Optional Named Parameters
To define a function with optional named parameters:
Define the optional parameters and their default values like this:
Options[ fname ] = {
name1 -> defaultVal1,
name2 -> defaultVal2,
Then, put OptionsPattern[]
as the last parameter.
f[a_, OptionsPattern[]] := body
In function body, use OptionValue[name]
to get the value.
Clear[ f ]; (* defining a function with optional named parameters *) (* define the named parameters and their default values *) Options[ f ] = {aa -> 3, bb -> 4}; f[a_, OptionsPattern[ ]] := {a, OptionValue[ aa ], OptionValue[ bb ]} ; f[x] (* {x, 3, 4} *) f[x, aa -> 99 ] (* {x, 99, 4} *) f[x, bb -> 88 ] (* {x, 3, 88} *) f[x, aa -> 99, bb -> 88 ] (* {x, 99, 88} *)