Wolfram: Function Syntax Shortcut
Syntax Shortcuts for Function
has many syntax shortcuts.
The following are equivalent:
Function[{x,y}, x + y]
Function[# + #2]
((# + #2) &)
({x, y} |-> x + y)
f1 = Function[{x,y}, x + y]; f2 = Function[# + #2]; f3 = ((# + #2) &); f4 = ({x, y} |-> x + y); (* test *) f1[3, 4] === 7 f2[3, 4] === 7 f3[3, 4] === 7 f4[3, 4] === 7
Function Shortcut: Ampersand with Number Sign
is same as
Example: The following are equivalent.
Function[ #1 + #2 ]
( #1 + #2 &)
in the body,
→ means first parameter.#2
→ means second parameter.#3
→ means third parameter.- etc.
→ that picks out value with key name in an Association
means the whole function itself. Useful for defining recursive functions.
f = Function[ # + #2 ];
f[3, 4] === 7
💡 TIP:
when using the ampersand shortcut,
it's good idea to add parenthesis, like this
Because otherwise you run into operator precedence issue that's hard to remember which operator has higher precedence.
Rest Parameters (Variadic Function)
stands for rest parameters in
's body,
useful for define defining function with arbitrary number of parameters.
→ means rest parameters.##1
→ means rest parameters starting with first.##2
→ means rest parameters starting with second.- etc
Example: The following are equivalent.
Function[{x,y}, {x,y}]
mySum = (Plus[##]&);
mySum[1,2,3] === 6
Map-Arrow Syntax Shortcut for Function
x |-> body
same as
Function[x, body]
(x |-> x+1) === Function[ x, x+1 ]
varList |-> body
same as
Function[varList, body]
({x,y} |-> x+y) === Function[ {x,y}, x+y ]
💡 TIP: it's good idea to add parenthesis to the whole
(x |-> x+1)
Because otherwise you run into operator precedence confusion.