Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2019-10

Xah Fly Keys Layout for Ultimate Hacking Keyboard (UHK)

Emacs: Xah Dired Mode (xah-dired.el) ๐Ÿ“ฆ
better User Interface for xah-dired-scale-image

Emacs Init: Auto Insert Closing Bracket (electric-pair-mode)

Emacs: Xah Fly Keys Customization
updated. better code for changing command/insert or toggle.

Emacs: Xah JS Mode (JavaScript) ๐Ÿ“ฆ
minor update. get it.

new emacs redo package, by Campbell Barton (aka ideasman42)


Supposedly this redo package does not have undo corruption.

See also:

Emacs: Xah Dired Mode (xah-dired.el) ๐Ÿ“ฆ
xah-dired-show-metadata code update

Emacs Development Update, video talk by by John Wiegley

https://media.emacsconf.org/2019/03.html lost sound at 9:10

emacs 27, some summary:

Emacs: Show Copy History (kill-ring) ๐Ÿš€
minor code change

Kinesis Savant Elite2 Foot Pedal now proper reviewed

Emacs: Usability Problems of Letter-Case Changing Commands

updated xah-toggle-letter-case , now consider hyper or low line as word boundaries.

Emacs: dired Rename File, Space to Hyphen or Lowline ๐Ÿš€

fixed xah-dired-rename-space-to-hyphen. 2019-11-21 thanks to eiuapp and tomtsang.

livestream demo of keymouse on youtube, by โ€œhello beautiful peopleโ€, 2019-11-26 11am San Francisco time

livestream demo of keymouse on youtube, by โ€œhello beautiful peopleโ€ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E11tORvZUII scheduled for 2019-11-26 Tuesday, 11am San Francisco time.

mark your calendar.

if you don't know what keymouse is, see Keymouse

Symbolics Space Cadet Keyboard
annotated what all those key means.

Richard Stallman on Common Lisp, 1981
Famous Programers on How Common Lisp Sucks

Miguel de Icaza vs rms 2019-11-09 msmm3
Miguel de Icaza vs rms 2019-11-09 msmm3

Emacs: Open File in External App ๐Ÿš€
added several open in specific browser commands

Emacs: Xah Fly Keys Customization
minor update. tips on modifying keys while in command mode or insert mode

join discord. interesting discussions on emacs, vim, keyboards, etc. xahlee discord

xah-fly-keys cheatsheet by eludom ( https://github.com/eludom/.emacs.d/blob/master/xfk-cheat-sheet.pdf )

Emacs: Xah HTML Mode ๐Ÿ“ฆ

Emacs Init Setup
major rework on emacs init tutorial.

Emacs: Turn Off Auto Backup~

new Emacs: Real Automatic Save File

Emacs: Xah Fly Keys ๐Ÿ“ฆ
xah-fly-keys version 10.10 of is out. lots minor improvements. Dan langlois's major contribution pull request on swappable keymap is not in yet.

new and updated.


Emacs: Open File in External App ๐Ÿš€

refresh browser.

Emacs Init: Set Default Major Mode (updated)

Emacs: Open File in External App ๐Ÿš€

fixed xah-show-in-desktop for Microsoft Windows 10. thanks to loyalpartner@163.com

xah emacs setup from scratch and live coding emacs lisp open-in-vscode 2019-11-01

emacs conference, all day today, live now



just installed vscode. first 5 min impression: fantastic!

vscode 2019-10-30 qtqnk
vscode 2019-10-30 qtqnk

now if i happened to implement xah fly keys in vscode sometimes in the future by some accidental boredom or such, then, emacs would be history. like, good bye 20 years of emacs.

i happened to install vscode on a whim now, cuz am working on modern js stuff webpack and it generate minimized code in 1 single line, emacs freezes with long line. and everytime i mention it, emacs fanatics flame you and lie.

emacs freeze long line 2019-10-30 yj3pr
emacs freeze long line 2019-10-30 yj3pr

new layout for Xah Fly Keys Xah Fly Keys Layout for Ultimate Hacking Keyboard (UHK)

Elisp: Get Dired Marked Files (updated code. )

Richard Stallman Stole Emacs Source Code from James Gosling

GNU Project Leaders Want RMS Out

updated at Richard Stallman Resigned from FSF, 2019-09-16

Note, it includes emacs tech leader John Wiegley.

I have mixed feeling about this. On one hand, rms has been wronged by the sjgang. But, rms has truly been the number 1 obstacle in emacs technical progress for past 10 years.

Google censor comp.emacs newsgroup. erasing 30 years of history.

Google Censor Comp.Emacs Newsgroup. Erasing 30 Years of History

How to Avoid Emacs Pinky added a pic of big corner key.