JS: Browser Window Object

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

when doing web dev, there are 3 kinds of objects you work with:

The Window Object

The browser's window object is the Global Object. All JavaScript objects are properties of the window object.

Google Chrome console window object 2014
Google Chrome console showing the window object

In browser console, type window to view this object's properties. [see How to Use Browser Console]

The window object has critical properties. most has to do with a browser, but some has nothing to do with browser but is not in standard JavaScript programing language spec.

Examples of important functions:

You don't need to prefix window. to use its methods or properties. e.g. alert("3") is same as window.alert("3")

The window object also has a property key "window", so window.window and window.window.window are the same as just window.

Browser Object Model

The window object and its properties and their behavior is sometimes called the Browser Object Model (aka BOM).

The Document Object (Document Object Model)

One of the most important property of window is window.document. This is the document object.

The document object represent the HTML/XML document in the browser window.

The document object contains methods to manipulate HTML elements and styles. This object system is called DOM (Document Object Model).

The DOM allows you to:

[see JS: DOM Methods]

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