PowerShell: Show Fullpath, No Truncate Lines

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Show File Full Path

pwsh normal output 2023-11-22
pwsh normal output 2023-11-22

to make PowerShell output show full path, in a single line, do:

# list file, show full path in single lines
dir | select fullname
pwsh show fullpath 2023-11-22
pwsh show fullpath 2023-11-22

🛑 WARNING: PowerShell now may truncate lines with triple dots, at terminal width.

pwsh truncated lines 2023-11-22 rnB4n
pwsh truncated lines with triple dots 2023-11-22 rnB4n

Do Not Truncate Lines (do soft-wrap)

to make PowerShell output not truncate lines, Pipe it to

ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_}

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -file -filter "*pdf" | ForEach-Object {Write-Host $_}

Bad Solutions

the following does not work.

dir | select fullname | Format-Table -wrap
pwsh wrap lines 2023-11-22
pwsh wrap lines 2023-11-22

PowerShell Path

PowerShell, List Files