PowerShell: Show Fullpath, No Truncate Lines
Show File Full Path
to make PowerShell output show full path, in a single line, do:
# list file, show each full path in single line with softwrap dir | % { Write-Host $_ } # % is short for ForEach-Object
Other Solutions
the following is sometimes useful.
they help in showing the full path, but still, the lines are cut into 2 or more lines.
Format-Table -wrap
dir | select fullname | Format-Table -wrap
PowerShell Path
PowerShell, List Dirs and Files
List Dirs
- PowerShell: Navigate Directory
- PowerShell: Show Current Dir Path
- PowerShell: List Directories
- Show Directory as Tree
- PowerShell: List Empty Dir 🚀
- PowerShell: Dir Size 🚀
List Files
- PowerShell: List Files
- PowerShell: Show Fullpath, No Truncate Lines
- PowerShell: List Empty Files
- PowerShell: Count Number of Files
- PowerShell: List Files by Name Pattern
- PowerShell: Filter File Name by Regular Expression
- PowerShell: List File by Size
- PowerShell: Sort Files by File Size 🚀
- PowerShell: List Files by Date Time
- PowerShell: Search Text in Files (grep)