Python: Join String
Adjacent Strings Automatically Joins
# adjacent string auto joins, as if with plus operator # this feature is very old from the very beginning x = "some" "thing" print(x) # "something"
The strings can be quoted in different ways, or with different prefix.
# adjacent strings auto joins xx = "a" 'b' r"c" """some""" print(xx) # abcsome
Join String Operator
str1 + str2
xx = "aa" + "bb" print(xx) # "aabb"
Python, String
- Python: Quote String
- Python: Triple Quote String
- Python: Raw String
- Python: String Prefix Char
- Python: f-String (Format, Template)
- Python: String Escape Sequence
- Python: Unicode Escape Sequence
- Python: Print String
- Python: Print Without Newline
- Python: Convert to String
- Python: Join String
- Python: Format String
- Python: String Methods
- Python: Search Substring
- Python: Split String
- Python: String, Check Case, Char Class
- Python: Letter Case Conversion
- Python: Unicode 🐍
- Python 2: Unicode Tutorial