Python: Assignment Operators

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Add and assign +=

x = 0
x += 1
print(x)  # 1

Substract and assign -=

x = 0
x -= 2
print(x)  # -2

Multiply and assign *=

x = 2
x *= 3
print(x)  # 6

Exponent and assign **=

x = 3
x **= 2
print(x)  # 9

Divide and assign /=

x = 7
x /= 2
print(x)  # 3.5

Modulus (remainder) and assign %=

x = 13
x %= 5
print(x)  # 3

Quotient and assign //=

x = 13
x //= 5
print(x)  # 2

Note: Python doesn't support C++ language's increment operator ++, nor the decrement operator --.

WARNING: ++i may not generate any error, but it doesn't do anything.

Python, Operators