WolframLang: Sort, Reverse, Order
Function related to ordering of a list.
Sort[list, p]
sort a list or any expression.
p is the ordering function that takes 2 args and returns one of {
} or {True
} .Sort[ {3, 5, 2} ] === {2, 3, 5} Sort[ {"cat", "dog", "bird"} ] === {"bird", "cat", "dog"}
(* sort by second number *) Sort[ {{10, 3}, {20, 2}, {30, 1}}, Function[{a,b}, a[[2]] < b[[2]] ] ] === {{30, 1}, {20, 2}, {10, 3}}
SortBy[list, f]
SortBy[list, {f1, f2, etc}]
SortBy[list, f, p]
Sort by applying f to items and compare the result. For example, f returns a integer. When there is a list of f, each successive one is used to break the tie.
predicate p (the ordering function) can be used, after the output of f
(* sort by string length *) SortBy[ {"bird", "dog", "cat"}, StringLength ] === {"cat", "dog", "bird"} (* note, it also swapped cat and dog, by apply normal sort behavior to string *)
(* sort by second number *) SortBy[ {{10, 3}, {20, 2}, {30, 1}}, Function[{x}, x[[2]] ] ] === {{30, 1}, {20, 2}, {10, 3}}
return a list of integers that represent the ordering of the items.
Ordering[ {a, c, b} ] === {1, 3, 2}
shift all elements to the right, last item is moved to first.
RotateRight[ {1, 2, 3, 4} ] === {4, 1, 2, 3}
shift all elements to the left, first item is moved to last.
WolframLang List Operations
- WolframLang: List Operations
- WolframLang: Get Parts of List
- WolframLang: Add Element to List
- WolframLang: Delete Element in List
- WolframLang: Change Element in List
- WolframLang: Check Item Exist in List
- WolframLang: Filter List
- WolframLang: Sort, Reverse, Order
- WolframLang: List Reshape (split, group, flatten, transpose)
- WolframLang: List Combinatorics
- WolframLang: List Join, Union, Intersection, Difference