History of Notebook User Interface

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .
Mathematica version 1 1988 gRgn7
Mathematica version 1 1988
 tunknown vF8SV
history of notebook

We've Come a Long Way in 30 Years (But You Haven't Seen Anything Yet!) By Stephen Wolfram. At https://blog.wolfram.com/2018/06/21/weve-come-a-long-way-in-30-years-but-you-havent-seen-anything-yet/

1987 the Mathematica frontend takes shape https://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/scrapbook/1987/02/08/1987_frontend-2/

notebook interface history 2021-03-19 Z7Mp8
notebook interface history 2021-03-19

WolframLang History and Lisp