Emacs: Move Cursor by camelCase, snake_case
You can set emacs so that word moving commands will move cursor into between CamelCaseWords, or treat snake_case as one single word.
- Alt+x
- Change all cursor movement/edit commands to stop in-between the “camelCase” words.
- Alt+x
- Change all cursor movement/edit commands to treat text like “x_y” as one word. Useful for “snake_case”.
- Alt+x
- Toggle on/off globally.
- Alt+x
- Toggle on/off globally.
normal | subword | superword |
someThing▮ some▮-thing some▮_thing | some▮Thing some▮-thing some▮_thing | someThing▮ some-thing▮ some_thing▮ |
and superword-mode
are mutally exclusive. Turning one on turns off the other.
Put this in your Emacs Init File:
;; move cursor by camelCase (global-subword-mode 1) ;; 1 for on, 0 for off