DT225 Trackball

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .
dt225 trackball-s
• Left, ITAC Mouse-Trak Trackball. • Right, CH Products DT225 trackball 3264×2448 〔image source reddit

The ITAC Mouse-Trak Trackball and the DT225 are the most smooth trackball. That is, they can spin.

〔see Trackballs That Can Spin

You can find DT225 Trackball online, going for about $300.

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see also ITAC Mouse-Trak Trackball

Ball Size

DT225 trackball ball diameter is ~57 mm

dt225 trackball inside roller 97655
DT225 trackball inside, the rollers. 〔image source imgur, by Ripster, 2015-07-09〕
trackball slimblade dt225 ltrac 80624
SlimbladeDT225L-Trac 〔image source imgur