LMI Lambda Keyboard

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

LMI Lambda keyboard

The LMI Lambda keyboard came out in year 1983.

lmi lambda keyboard b270d
LMI Lambda keyboard 〔image source https://deskthority.net/keyboards-f2/cadr-lisp-machine-keyboard-the-space-cadet-keyboard-t19373.html
lmi lambda lisp machine 37vp6
LMI Lambda lisp machine 〔image source https://deskthority.net/keyboards-f2/cadr-lisp-machine-keyboard-the-space-cadet-keyboard-t19373.html

Note the LMI logo. It's lisp cons cell, which is the building block of lisp's list.

See also: Guy Steele Says: Don't Iterate, Recurse, and Get rid of lisp cons!

LMI CADR machine

LMI CADR machine brochure db44a
LMI CADR machine brochure 〔image source https://deskthority.net/keyboards-f2/cadr-lisp-machine-keyboard-the-space-cadet-keyboard-t19373.html

LMI Lisp Machine

LMI Lisp Machine 988a3-s1155x866
LMI Lisp Machine 2048×1536The Story Thus Far: 2018 By Daniel Seagraves. At https://www.bogodyne.com/2019/08/22/the-story-thus-far-2018/

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Space Cadet Keyboards