Matias Ergo Pro Keyboard

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Note, as of 2018-12-15, this keyboard still seems to have key repetition problems. There are a lot alternatives now.

Matias came out with a mechanical ergonomic keyboard, on 2015 July.

This is excellent.

matias ergo pro keyboard 90213
Matias ergo pro keyboard Buy at amazon

Excellent features:

The key switch used is a “ALPS-inspired”. 〔see Keyboard Key Switch Mechanisms

vidthumb Ox 0fOyEiG0
matias ergo pro keyboard pc 73756
Matias ergo pro keyboard for PC. Buy at amazon

There's a innovation here. Note the Ctrl key, above the right space key.

matias ergo pro keyboard mac 21038
Matias Ergo Pro Keyboard for Mac Buy at amazon



〔see Best Ergonomic Keyboards, Xah Pick

〔see 2-Piece Split Keyboards