Python, Perl: Script to Check HTML File Size

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

The following script takes a directory and print all the sizes of html files, counting the sizes of inline images.

This script is useful in making sure that HTML file are under certain size. This is useful because web visitors with slow connection may take a long time to load HTML files with lots of inline images.

# Python 3

# given a dir, report all html file's size. (counting inline images)
# author
# url
# version 2005-10-05 2023-04-13

import re, os.path, sys

input_path = "c:/Users/xah/web/xahlee_info/python/"

file_ext = ".html"
sizelimit = 800 * 1000

while input_path[-1] == "/":
    input_path = input_path[0:-1]  # get rid of trailing slash

if not os.path.exists(input_path):
    print("dir " + input_path + " doesn't exist!")

# HHHH---------------------------------------------------
# subroutines

def getInlineImg(file_full_path):
    """getInlineImg(file_full_path) returns a array that is a list of inline images. e.g. it may return ['xx.jpg','../image.png']"""
    xfile = open(file_full_path, "rb")
    xtxtblocks = re.split(r"<img src", str(, "utf-8"))
    xlinks = []
    for xblock in xtxtblocks:
        xmatch ="\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", xblock)
        if xmatch:
    return xlinks

def linkFullPath(dir, locallink):
    """linkFullPath(dir, locallink) returns a string that is the full path to the local link. e.g. linkFullPath('/Users/t/public_html/a/b', '../image/t.png') returns 'Users/t/public_html/a/image/t.png'. The returned xresult will not contain double slash or '../' string."""
    xresult = dir + "/" + locallink
    xresult = re.sub(r"//+", r"/", xresult)
    while"/[^\/]+\/\.\.", xresult):
        xresult = re.sub(r"/[^\/]+\/\.\.", "", xresult)
    return xresult

def fListInlineImg(htmlfile):
    """fListInlineImg($html_file_full_path) returns a array where each element is a full path to inline images in the html."""
    xdir = os.path.dirname(htmlfile)
    xresult = []
    for xpath in getInlineImg(htmlfile):
        xresult.append(linkFullPath(xdir, xpath))
    return xresult

# HHHH---------------------------------------------------
# main

fileSizeList = []

def fAddSize(filepath):
    xTotalSize = os.path.getsize(filepath)
    for xImgPath in fListInlineImg(filepath):
        xTotalSize += os.path.getsize(xImgPath)
    fileSizeList.append([xTotalSize, filepath])

for xdir, _, fnames in os.walk(input_path):
    for fname in fnames:
        if (file_ext == os.path.splitext(fname)[1]) and (
            os.path.isfile(xdir + "/" + fname)
            full_path = os.path.join(xdir, fname)
            # print("doing: ", full_path)

fileSizeList.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)

for xx in fileSizeList:


The following is a Perl version.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# perl

# 2005-10-04
# given a dir, report all HTML file's size. (counting inline images)

use Data::Dumper;
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;

$inpath = '/Users/t/web/';

while ($inpath =~ m@^(.+)/$@) { $inpath = $1;} # get rid of trailing slash

die "dir $inpath doesn't exist! $!" unless -e $inpath;

# subroutines

# getInlineImg($file_full_path) returns a array that is sources of inline images. e.g. it may return ('xx.jpg','../image.png')
sub getInlineImg ($) { $full_file_path= $_[0];
  @linx = (); open (FF, "<$full_file_path") or die "error: can not open $full_file_path $!";
  while (<FF>) { @txt_segs = split(m/src/, $_); shift @txt_segs;
    for $linkBlock (@txt_segs) {
        if ($linkBlock =~ m@\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"@) { push @linx, $1; }
  } close FF;
  return @linx;

# linkFullPath($dir,$locallink) returns a string that is the full path to the local link. e.g. linkFullPath('/Users/t/public_html/a/b', '../image/t.png') returns 'Users/t/public_html/a/image/t.png'. The returned result will not contain double slash or '../' string.
sub linkFullPath($$){
    $result=$_[0] . $_[1];
    $result =~ s@\/+@\/@g;
    while ($result =~ s@/[^\/]+\/\.\.@@) {};
    return $result;

# listInlineImg($html_file_full_path) returns a array where each element is a full path to inline images in the html.
sub listInlineImg($) {
  my $htmlfile= $_[0];

  my ($name, $dir, $suffix) = fileparse($htmlfile, ('\.html') );
  my @imgPaths = getInlineImg($htmlfile);

  my @result = ();
  foreach my $aPath (@imgPaths) { push @result, linkFullPath($dir,$aPath);}
  return @result;

# main
sub checkLink {
    if (
        $File::Find::name =~ m@\.html$@ && -T $File::Find::name
    ) {
        $totalSize= -s $File::Find::name;
        @imagePathList = listInlineImg($File::Find::name);
        for my $imgPath (@imagePathList) {$totalSize += -s $imgPath;};
        push (@fileSizeList, [$totalSize, $File::Find::name]);

find(\&checkLink, $inpath);

@fileSizeList = sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0]} @fileSizeList;

print Dumper(\@fileSizeList);
print "done reporting.";

Note that in some web browsers or web development tools, they can calculate the size of a web page. The script is useful because it does to all files in a dir at once. Useful for static websites such as documentation.