Apple MacBook Touch Bar 2016

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Apple Intro Touch Bar, 2016

In 2016-10-27 Apple introduced the touch bar, a touch-sensitive display strip that function as software keyboard.

It replaces physical function keys, and replace physical Escape key.

What misery it introduced, the trying to be Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs innovate by creating things people want and practical. This touchbar, is tech for nerd.

On Apple Laptops , physical page up/down keys have dropped dead, and now function keys are touchy.

apple touchbar 2016 929f6
Apple Touchbar 2016
Apple MacBook touchbar 2016-10
Apple's new MacBook, with a display touch bar.

Apple Commercial: So much to touch

vidthumb zmxmZGg3HXM
  • MacBook Pro 2016 โ€“ So much to touch | OFFICIAL AD
  • WowThatsCrazy
  • Oct 27, 2016

Apple Commercial: MacBook Pro โ€” Reveal

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The song is Big Gigantic - The Little Things ๐ŸŽต

Apple Commercial: MacBook Pro - QWERTY

vidthumb 7wSYV1UqVEk
  • Apple commercial
  • MacBook Pro - QWERTY

Problems of the Apple MacBook Touchbar

And now, with the touch bar, you'll have to keep your head down to watch it. It's a watch'n'touch bar.

will it spell the end of function keys across the laptop industry? Probably not. Not for at least few years i think. For this to happen to laptops, it needs Microsoft Windows to cooperate, and Microsoft isn't in the business of innovating laptops. Oh wait, maybe Microsoft Surface laptop , but that's nothing but a giant touch square.

Norton Commander on Touch Bar (parody)

MacBook touchbar Norton Commander 34652
Norton Commander 1986, revived.

Norton Commander was a very popular software in 1990s on DOS operating system. It's a text-only system. It has a row of virtual keys at the bottom of screen.

Anime Nyanpasu Disco on Touch Bar


MacBook 2020, Touch Square

here it is, the touch square!

Worse Designs