Xah Shorthand System (Abbrev Input)
notes on creating a shorthand system for typing on computer keyboard.
;; 2023-11-09 ;; most common, top 1k ("ab" "about") ("adi" "adding") ("aft" "after") ("ag" "again") ("agn" "against") ("ant" "another") ("ard" "already") ("b" "but") ("bf" "before") ("bk" "because") ("bn" "been") ("bt" "between") ("btr" "better") ("cj" "change") ("cji" "changing") ("cn" "cannot") ("ds" "does") ("enth" "anything") ("evr" "every") ("evrd" "everyday") ("evrt" "every time") ("evrth" "everything") ("evrw" "everyone") ("f" "for") ("fnl" "finally") ("h" "have") ("hev" "however") ("hr" "here") ("hs" "has") ("k" "know") ("kd" "could") ("l" "let") ("lk" "look") ("lt" "little") ("m" "more") ("mb" "maybe") ("min" "minute") ("mk" "make") ("n" "and") ("o" "of") ("oft" "often") ("ov" "over") ("ow" "always") ("pb" "problem" xah--abhook) ("ph" "perhaps") ("pls" "please") ("pp" "people") ("pt" "point") ("r" "are") ("rly" "really") ("rlz" "realize") ("rlzs" "realizes") ("rt" "return") ("sd" "should") ("sec" "second" xah--abhook) ("sm" "some") ("st" "sometime" ) ("sth" "something") ("sts" "sometimes" ) ("t" "the") ("thi" "thing") ("ths" "these") ("thx" "thanks") ("tir" "their") ("tk" "think") ("tki" "thinking") ("tm" "them") ("tm" "time") ("tn" "than") ("tos" "those") ("tot" "thought") ("tr" "there") ("ts" "this") ("tt" "that") ("ty" "they") ("u" "you") ("uds" "understand") ("udstd" "understanding") ("ur" "your") ("usl" "usually") ("w" "with") ("wa" "what") ("wc" "which") ("wd" "would") ("wh" "where") ("wm" "woman") ("wme" "women") ("wn" "when") ("wo" "without") ("wr" "were" ) ("wt" "want" xah--abhook) ("yrs" "years") ;; most common phrases ("abi" "about it") ("atm" "at the moment") ("btw" "by the way") ("co" "check out") ("ct" "can't") ("ddn" "did not") ("ddnt" "didn't") ("di" "does it") ("dn" "do not") ("dnt" "don't") ("dsn" "does not") ("dsnt" "doesn't") ("dunno" "don't know") ("hdu" "how do you") ("hn" "have not") ("hrr" "here are") ("hrs" "here's") ("hsn" "has not") ("hsnt" "hasn't") ("ht" "how to") ("hvnt" "haven't") ("hvt" "have to") ("hws" "how is") ("ic" "I see") ("idk" "I don't know") ("ii" "it is") ("il" "I will") ("im" "I'm") ("isb" "it should be") ("isnt" "isn't") ("itd" "it would") ("itl" "it will") ("itt" "is that") ("iv" "i've") ("ivt" "i have to") ("lka" "look at") ("ls" "let's") ("lss" "let's say") ("nw" "no way") ("oc" "of course") ("od" "one would") ("ot" "of the") ("pov" "point of view") ("rl" "real life") ("rn" "are not") ("sdb" "should be") ("sdn" "shouldn't") ("sdnt" "shouldn't") ("sdv" "should have") ("sdvb" "should have been") ("tb" "to be") ("tis" "it is") ("tosr" "those are") ("trr" "there are") ("trs" "there is") ("tsr" "these are") ("tss" "this is") ("ttr" "that are") ("tts" "that is") ("tu" "thank you") ("twb" "that would be") ("uc" "you see") ("ul" "you'll") ("uv" "you've") ("wdnt" "wouldn't") ("wl" "we will") ("wnt" "won't") ("ws" "what is") ("wsnt" "wasn't") ("wwr" "we were")
Xah Shorthand System, Intro
Massive new era keyboard based shorthand system in the works.
- We have the pitman shorthand system (year 1837). Which is based on phonetics. this is designed for speedup for hand writing.
- Then we have the Shavian Alphabet 𐑕 (year 1960), based on it. For fast hand writing. It's a phonetic alphabet. There are about 40 letters, and each represents a sound.
- We have steno, which is based on phonetics, chording hardware for hand, and part ad hoc shortcuts. 〔see Stenotype Machine〕 the modern steno machine begin about 1910.
- Am slowly designing a modern computer keyboard based shorthand system. Single key press one at a time, not chord, and for computer keyboard.
- similar to, the word completion on smart phone, statistics based input system.
- Look at it this way: in typing study, we have bigrams for letters, meaning the most frequently used letter pairs.
- and we also have bigram for words. the most frequently used word sequence. and in general, n-grams.
- the mobile phone input system saves typing by phrase and sentences, that's a magnitude more than a phonetic system (such as steno).
- The first easy step, in this xah system, is for each word in dict, shorten them by dropping vowels. And, also, rectify them using phonetic spelling. e.g. for letter c, use k or s.
- For example, “word” becoms w. “Time” and “times” both became t. “Communication” becomes kmnks.
- Now, do this for the top say one thousand most frequently used words.
- in this way, we will end up with many words having the same abbrev.
- Now, look at frequency of those words, pick the most frequently used one for that abbrev.
- Now, this system, as it is, would be already very significant. we have one thousand abbrevs.
- After that, u refine it, by, looking at the top 300 most used english words. For each that doesn't already have a abbrev, add one, by devising some scheme so they r diff from the phonetic abbrev.
- Also, is to look at most frequently used phrases, of 2 to 5 words. Similar, device a scheme to abbrev them so they r differentiated from the phonetic abbrev.
General Scheme on Xah Shorthand System
some general scheme on abbrev design. this is written and edit as i go over the years working on xah abbrev system casually.
- general scheme
- use phonetic spelling, as much as possible.
- when there are several alternatives, then words ending
- ai • 𐑲 • /aɪ/ • ride
- au • 𐑬 • /aʊ/ • loud
- a • 𐑨 • /æ/ • ash
- a • 𐑩 • /ə/ • ado
- a • 𐑪 • /ɒ/ • on
- a • 𐑭 • /ɑː/ • ah
- a • 𐑳 • /ʌ/ • up
- b • 𐑚 • /b/ • bib
- c • 𐑗 • /tʃ/ • church
- d → past tense suffix. e.g. walked
- d • 𐑛 • /d/ • dead
- e • 𐑧 • /ɛ/ • etch
- e • 𐑱 • /eɪ/ • age
- f • 𐑓 • /f/ • fee
- g • 𐑜 • /ɡ/ • gag
- h? • 𐑣 • /h/ • haha
- h • 𐑙 • /ŋ/ • hung
- i → ing
- i • 𐑦 • /ɪ/ • if
- i • 𐑰 • /iː/ • eat
- j? • 𐑠 • /ʒ/ • measure
- j? • 𐑡 • /dʒ/ • judge
- k • 𐑒 • /k/ • kick
- l → ly
- l • 𐑤 • /l/ • loll
- m → ment
- m • 𐑥 • /m/ • mime
- n • 𐑯 • /n/ • nun
- o • 𐑴 • /oʊ/ • oak
- o • 𐑶 • /ɔɪ/ • oil
- o • 𐑷 • /ɔː/ • awe
- p • 𐑐 • /p/ • peep
- q → ?
- r →
- r • 𐑮 • /ɹ/ • roar
- s → suffix tion
- s? • 𐑖 • /ʃ/ • sure
- sv → suffix sive
- s • 𐑕 • /s/ • so
- th? • 𐑞 • /ð/ • they
- th • 𐑔 • /θ/ • thigh
- t • 𐑑 • /t/ • tot
- u → suffix for phrase.
- v • 𐑝 • /v/ • vow
- w • 𐑢 • /w/ • woe
- w • 𐑫 • /ʊ/ • wool
- w • 𐑵 • /uː/ • ooze
- x → ex, eks
- y • 𐑘 • /j/ • yea
- z • 𐑟 • /z/ • zoo
- ing → i
- tion → s
- sive → sv
- ment → m
- ly → l
- ble → b
- ed → d
- church → c
- thing → th
- unused letters a e i o u
- questionable letters x g q
Problem with Using Phonetics
English has 44 phonemes. For example,
Consonant Phonemes:
- /p/ - as in "pat"
- /b/ - as in "bat"
- /t/ - as in "tap"
- /d/ - as in "dog"
- /k/ - as in "cat"
Vowel Phonemes:
- /i/ - as in "seat"
- /ɪ/ - as in "sit"
- /e/ - as in "set"
- /ɛ/ - as in "let"
if we gonna use phonetic alphabet as a abbrev system, that means, we need to 3 keys for each words like
- bat
- boat
- boot
which basically means very little saving of keystrokes.
in some cases, more keystrokes, because we need to distinguish vowels.
so, this means, a pure phonemes based abbrev system won't work.
Xah Talk Show 2022-02-02
Keybinding and Input-System
- Why Alt Tab is Bad for Switching Windows
- How Many Shortcuts Are There
- Emacs vs vim, Keybinding Efficiency
- vim HJKL vs IJKL
- Gamers WASD Keys
- Design of vim Mode Activation Key
- History of Key Shortcuts: Emacs, vim, WASD
- History of vi Keys
- Muscle Memory vs Mnemonics
- Ctrl ❌
Ban Key Combos - Ban Shift Key
- Function Key vs Key Chord
- Fast-repeat vs Non-fast-repeat Keys
- Modifier Keys Usage Frequency
- Keyboard Shortcut vs Launch Buttons
- Best Way to Insert Parenthesis/Brackets
- Math Input Design
- Create Math APL Keyboard Layout
- Linux Mac Windows, Which is Best for Keybinding?
- Dual-Function Keys (Home Row Mods)
- Xah Shorthand System (Abbrev Input)