Linux: xmonad Keybinding

By Xah Lee. Date:

This page gives a intro on using xmonad. xmonad is a Linux app that automatically arrange your windows without gaps. To install, see: Linux: How to Install New Window Manager .

When logging in, you may have a choice of {xmonad, xmonad-gnome}. The gnome one will have the screen menu at top and app menu at bottom.

xmonad keys

launching app

Alt+Shift+Enter to launch a terminal.

Alt+p to launch dmenu. e.g. Alt+p then type “fire” to launch Firefox.

• “dmenu” is a GUI app for dynamic menu, designed for keyboard input. (this is independent of xmonad)

Switch Focus

• {Alt+j, Alt+k} to move focus among windows. Or, hover mouse on a window.

• {Alt+Shift+j, Alt+Shift+k} swap neighboring windows.

Arranging Window

Alt+Space to re-arrange windows. (by default, you can cycle among 3 types of arrangement: full screen, tall, wide.)

Resize Window

Float Window

Closing Windows

Alt+Shift+c to close/kill a window.


Alt+4 to switch to 4th workspace. There are 9 total.

Alt+Shift+4 to put current window to the 4th workspace.

