WolframLang: Plot and Visualization

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

There are two major types of builtin plotting functions:

Plot Math Functions

math function plotting's names contains the word “Plot”.

To get a list of builtin functions for plotting, type any one of the following to get a list:

or see

for example:

WolframLang Plot3D 2022-02-09 gdYC
WolframLang Plot3D 2022-02-09 gdYC
Plot3D[ Sin[x] Sin[y], {x,0,10}, {y,0,10} ]

Functions for Data Visualization

e.g. BarChart, PieChart, Histogram, BoxWhiskerChart, etc.


WolframLang PieChart3D 2022-02-09 q74Z
WolframLang PieChart3D 2022-02-09 q74Z
PieChart3D[{3, 10, 1}, ChartLabels -> {"a", "b", "c"}]

Find Options of Functions

Type Options[ FunctionName ] to get a list of options for the function.

Options[ Plot ]
WolframLang Options 2022-02-09 f66T
Options for Plot

Type ?Name to get the documentation for the option name.

WolframLang Axes 2022-02-09 GV5K

Click the info icon to goto the full documentation.

Commonly Used Options for 2D Graphics

Commonly Used Options for 3D Graphics

Commonly used options for 3d plot functions that plots surface of math function. For example: Plot3D, ParametricPlot3D


{Cos[u]*(2 + Cos[v]), Sin[u]*(2 + Cos[v]), Sin[v]} ,
{u, 0, 5},
{v, 0, 6},
 PlotPoints -> 100,
 Axes -> False,
 Boxed -> False,
 BoundaryStyle -> Directive[Black, Thin],
 PlotStyle -> Directive[White, Opacity[0.7], Specularity[10, 20]],
 Lighting -> "Neutral"]
ParametricPlot3D 2022-02-09 gTXG

WolframLang, Graphics Programing