Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2014-11
on reddit, “computer keyboard design flaws”: http://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/2mz5ex/xah_lee_on_computer_keyboard_design_flaws/

made our day.
does Rich Hickey uses emacs? am unhappy with current #clojure mode, and its not written by him.
Emacs: Search Text in Directory (added screenshots)
show/edit zip file content in emacs
there's a patch for opening zip files in emacs. When opening a zip archive of a single file, emacs now can display its content (and you can edit it)
See: bug#1702: [PATCH]: feature request: correctly display single file zip archive at
- http://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=1702
- http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-emacs/2014-11/msg00603.html
It's going to be in emacs 25.x. Thanks to Matthew Leach for the patch.
Elisp: Multi-Pair String Replacement with Report (updated. Removed lib dependency.)
latest and greatest. Logitech G502 Proteus Gaming Mouse.
All programers should use a gaming mouse. See Why You Need 9 Buttons Mouse?, and Logitech Mouse with Spin Wheel.
some powerful coders in emacs community who also contributed to clojure.
Phil Hagelberg. http://technomancy.us/ ◇ https://x.com/technomancy ◇ https://github.com/technomancy
Steve Purcell http://www.sanityinc.com/ ◇ https://x.com/sanityinc ◇ https://github.com/purcell
Bozhidar Batsov http://batsov.com/ ◇ https://x.com/bbatsov ◇ https://github.com/bbatsov
John Wiegley (haskell) http://newartisans.com/ ◇ https://x.com/jwiegley ◇ https://github.com/jwiegley
to this list i must also add:
Christopher Wellons http://nullprogram.com/ ◇ https://github.com/skeeto
but am not sure if Christopher does Clojure or Haskell.
this is just a list of people that comes to my mind at the moment. There are a lot great coders.
note also, these people are open source contributors, and they also blog. So, they are well-known. There are also lot great coders who code prorietary software and don't talk much. That is rather the norm. (e.g. many startups are like that) Only small percent of coders actually write blog.
comment at https://plus.google.com/113859563190964307534/posts/CM35uJdDH9u
Clojure is the king of lisp.
new: Emacs: Run Interactive Clojure Shell/REPL in Emacs: cider
This is useful for refactoring. Elisp: Refactoring, Move Code to Files 🚀 (updated. major rewrite)
20 min job, and i have: Emacs: Xah Clojure Mode, xah-clojure-mode.el. it's basically a copy of Emacs: Xah Elisp Mode 📦 with language keywords swapped in. Not yet good for public use, but i use it now. I'll hack it as i go. I just started with Clojure.
by the way, clojure is a superbly beautiful language, and used by industry, unlike some other lisps that live in fairy tales or tail recursion in a desert.
subscribe Xah's Programing Blog for my clojure travelogue.
accidentally M-x ethio-modify-vowel, thx to ido.
comment at https://plus.google.com/113859563190964307534/posts/bKC3R3b4Lm2
emacs bookmark, when using bookmark-jump
【Ctrl+x r b】 you can use *
for wildcard. e.g. *today
will match todo today
. Updated: Emacs: Bookmark
Richard Stallman, High-tech Prankster (repost. Added info.)