Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2015-11

Emacs: Open File in External App πŸš€ (updated code)

Emacs: Setup Hundreds of Abbrevs (updated)

Emacs: Copy to Register (updated)

emacs basics. Emacs: Copy Paste, kill-ring (major update. On its own page)

Keyboardio, Computer History Museum, SGI

the Keyboardio Keyboard is going to have a demo at Computer History Museum on . That's neighbor to Google Headquater Googleplex, in Mountain View, California.

If you want to touch it, register at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/tech-tinsel-holiday-product-demo-night-chm-tickets-19571449733

here's my analysis of its design. Keyboardio Keyboard Review

by the way, the building that's Computer History Museum has a rich tech history. It was a brand new office building of SGI's headquarter. Do you know what SGI is?

see SGI Logo Visual Illusion

  • Emacs: Reformat to Long Lines (unfill-paragraph) πŸš€
  • (major update)

    Logitech G710+ Mechanical Keyboard now has a MX Cherry Blue version!

    though, also discovered, there's a problem of this keyboard under linux. It spams 666! (but works fine on Mac)

    if your main machine is linux, i don't recommend it because of this.

    see my review for detail Logitech G710+ Keyboard

    If you are buying a keyboard or mouse, check out


    γ€”The Latest Thinking on Computer-Related Pain By Ingfei Chen. At http://www.nytimes.com/ref/health/healthguide/esn-repetitivestrain-expert.html?pagewanted=print , accessed on 2015-11-25〕

    great article. Note, it's published in 2008.

    Linux: Mouse Dwell, Hover Auto-Click

    Emacs: Insert Brackets by Pair πŸš€ (updated)

    3D Modeling, Keyboard Design, Clojure, and Emacs

    Dactyl keyboard

    ergoemacs-mode on hackernews. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10586791. Thanks lelf for posting.

    Emacs: Split Window (new page, for beginners.)

    Elisp: List vs Vector (on its own page)

    Emacs: Copy Rectangle Region to kill-ring πŸš€ (complete rewrite)

    Emacs: Edit Column Text, Rectangle (old article. major update.)

    Setting Up Emacs

    lots minor updates and improvements.

    Emacs Init: Set Color Theme (updated. 2 more screenshots)

    Emacs Shell in Movie TRON

    in the movie Tron: Legacy, there's not just emacs eshell, but also vi!

    thanks to https://disqus.com/by/michael_lockhart/ for telling me it.

    Emacs: ParEdit, Smartparens, Lispy, and ErgoEmacs, xah-fly-keys (complete rewrite). Also see reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/3sfmkz/could_this_be_a_pareditsmartparens_killer/

    Emacs Select Word Command Problem (major update)

    Emacs Keys: Define Key (major update.)

    keybinding, is the essence of emacs. In emacs, everything is a command, and the way you call them, is keys. Even when you type a letter, it calls a command self-insert-command.

    A little emacs history. Old article. GNU Emacs and XEmacs Schism (2001)

    emacs, restore opened files, remember cursor position, save minibuffer history. see Emacs Init: Intro updated.

    new Unicode emoticon font, Google Noto. see Download Free Unicode Fonts

    Keyboard Monster one thousand function keys.

    Gnu Emacs New Leader: John Wiegley


    Wiegley as maintainer was discussed in the gnu emacs dev mailing list for the past couple of months, hundreds of messages.

    John Wiegley is the author of eshellγ€”see Emacs: eshell〕, a compiler engineer for like 20 years coding in C++, and is now a professional haskell programer. He lives in emacs.

    there is several video interviews of John Wiegley. http://pages.sachachua.com/emacs-chats/chat-john-wiegley.html John Wiegley – June 26, 2012 from Sacha Chua on Vimeo.

    John is a extreme emacs enthusiast, and his primary platform is Mac with strong desire to make emacs better on Mac too out of the box, and he is a very capable programer, and also a sociable person. I think John will bring a lot good things to emacs. Thanks John.

    using 4 mouses at the same time is heaven. See: Xah's Keyboards

    Emacs: Delete Whitespace around Cursor πŸš€ (minor update)

    hands-on trackball review, for those of you Repetitive Strain Injury

    hand-on mouse reviews. One Logitech G600 Gaming Mouse Review, and the other Logitech Trackman Marble Mouse

    my mouse reviews are at my Xah's Programing Blog. Subscribe there if interested. thanks.