Chinese Font on Windows

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Microsoft Windows Default Font for Chinese

Following are Chinese fonts on You must be on Microsoft Windows and have Chinese language pack for China/Taiwan installed for all fonts to show correctly.

Sans Serif

Microsoft YaHei, 微软雅黑 (simplified chars)
書斷風雲絕緊 书断风云绝紧 {α=f(x)-5*6+li[10]}
Microsoft JhengHei, 微軟正黑體 (traditional chars)
書斷風雲絕緊 书断风云绝紧 {α=f(x)-5*6+li[10]}
SimHei, 中易黑体 (simplified chars)
書斷風雲絕緊 书断风云绝紧 {α=f(x)-5*6+li[10]}
DengXian, 等线
書斷風雲絕緊 书断风云绝紧 {α=f(x)-5*6+li[10]}


FangSong, (simplified chars)
書斷風雲絕緊 书断风云绝紧 {α=f(x)-5*6+li[10]}
NSimSun, 新宋体 (simplified chars)
書斷風雲絕緊 书断风云绝紧 {α=f(x)-5*6+li[10]}
SimSun, 中易宋体 (simplified chars)
書斷風雲絕緊 书断风云绝紧 {α=f(x)-5*6+li[10]}

Brush Stroke (aka Regular Script)

書斷風雲絕緊 书断风云绝紧 {α=f(x)-5*6+li[10]}

UI Versions

UI Versions is basically the same as non-UI versions, but designed for user interface. More compact, etc.

Microsoft YaHei UI, 微软雅黑 (simplified chars)
書斷風雲絕緊 书断风云绝紧 {α=f(x)-5*6+li[10]}
Microsoft JhengHei UI, 微軟正黑體 (traditional chars)
書斷風雲絕緊 书断风云绝紧 {α=f(x)-5*6+li[10]}

Text Source

Font sample text is from 西游记,第五十九回:唐三藏路阻火焰山,孙行者一调芭蕉扇.

Full verse is 薄云断绝西风紧,鹤鸣远岫霜林锦。云际依依认旧林,断崖荒草路难寻。西山望见朝来雨,南涧归时渡处深。

Chinese Font