Chinese Font
Chinese typefaces
There are 3 major Chinese typefaces.
Sans-Serif (aka Hei 黑體 )
Uniform thickness. Usually used on computer for body text.
Font name often contain Song/Ming 宋體/仿宋/明體.
Brush Stroke (Aka Kai, Regular Script, 楷軆)
Each stroke's thickness varies.
Language Attribute
Specify a Language Attribute. This helps browser choose the right font. Otherwise it'll often assume Japanese and result in inconsistent rendering.
<span lang="zh">中文</span>
- lang code for Chinese.
- For China. Uses simplified char.
- For Taiwan. Uses traditional char.
Chinese Font on Microsoft Windows
Chinese Font on Mac
Chinese Font on Linux
The WenQuanYi (文泉驛) family is most common. This family does not include brush-stroke style (Kei) typeface though. This is the only Chinese font installed with Ubuntu by default, as of 2012-04.