Python: Iterate List
Go Thru Values
aa = ["a", "b", "c"] for xx in aa: print(xx) # a # b # c
Go Thru Index and Value
bb = ["a", "b", "c"] for ii, vv in enumerate(bb): print(ii, vv) # 0 a # 1 b # 2 c
Python, Loop
Python, Data Structure
- Python: List
- Python: Generate List: range
- Python: List Comprehension
- Python: List Methods
- Python: Iterate List
- Python: Map f to List
- Python: Filter List
- Python: Iterator to List
- Python: Copy Nested List, Shallow/Deep Copy
- Python: Interweave Lists to Tuples, Transpose
- Python: Sort
- Python: Convert List to Dictionary
- Python: Dictionary
- Python: Iterate Dictionary
- Python: Dictionary Methods
- Python: Tuple
- Python: Sets, Union, Intersection
- Python: Sequence Types
- Python: Read Write JSON