Syntax Soup
Syntax is the most important aspect of a programing language
The quality of a programing language, can be judged by how much of it can be explained by its syntax alone.
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- Xah Talk Show 2022-08-27 Automatic Code Formatting: JavaScript Python PowerShell Golang Elisp WolframLang, Emacs Integration
- Xah Talk Show 2021-05-06 Wolfram Language Typesetting, TeX, Problems of Traditional Math Notation, Syntax and Proof Systems
Systematic Grammar
Unix Pipe, Dot Notation, Postfix Notation
Context Dependent Semantics
Programing Language Operators
- What is Function, What is Operator?
- Programing Language Design: Why You Need Operators
- What is the Definition of Operator in Computer Language?
- Necessity of Operator Overload in Computer Languages
- Programing Language: Unicode Math Symbols in Function Name and Operator
- Logical Operators, Truth Table, Unicode
- What Are Good Qualities of Computer Language Syntax?
- Syntax Design Problem: Irregularity vs Convenience
- Sugar Syntax: Compiler Level vs User Level
- Java Array Syntax Soup: Syntactic Irregularity and Ad Hoc Logic
- JavaScript Grammar is Not Context-Free!
- Why List Comprehension is Bad
- Write All If Statement as If Expression
- Hack of Bitmask as Boolean Parameters
- camelCase vs snake_case
- Problems of Symbol Congestion in Computer Languages; ASCII Jam vs Unicode
- What is Point-free Programing? (point-free function syntax)
- Programing Language Design: String Syntax
- Here-String and Newline Convention Complexity
- Syntax, Formal Language, Pattern Matching
- What Does it Mean When a Programing Language Claims “Whitespace is Insignificant”?
Variable Naming
- Meaning of List, Array, Vector, Tuple, Slice, in Programing Languages
- Predicate in Programing Languages and Naming
- Variable Naming: English Words Considered Harmful
- Sigil for Variable Names
- Math Notation, Programing Language Syntax, and Thought
- On Meta Syntax, Formal Language, and Logic
- The TeX Pestilence: Why TeX LaTeX Sucks
- The Problems of Traditional Math Notation
- A Notation for Plane Geometry