Unicode: Chinese 中文

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

There are many thousands of Chinese characters. A college educated Chinese person typically knows 5 thousand character. 3 thousand is minimum to read newspapers.

Here is example of the top 10 most used Chinese characters.


Here is a sample text, a poem written around year 967 by 李煜.

林花謝了春紅 太匆匆
無奈朝來寒雨 晚來風
胭脂淚 留人醉 幾時重
自是人生長恨 水長東

Sample Chinese text describing the poem:

《相见欢 林花谢了春红》是五代十国时期南唐后主李煜的词作。此词是即景抒情的典范之作,它将人生失意的无限怅恨寄寓在对暮春残景的描绘中,表面上是伤春咏别,实质上是抒写「人生长恨水长东」的深切悲慨。这种悲慨不仅是抒写一己的失意情怀,而且是涵盖了整个人类所共有的生命的缺憾,是一种融汇和浓缩了无数痛苦的人生体验的浩叹。