Xah Programing Blog Archive 2019-09

hacker nerds font and kerning obsession

hacker nerd font obsession 2019-12-31 b9prf
hacker nerd font obsession 2019-12-31

Python: Transpose Matrix

did you know, ocaml and haskell's syntax came from a nutjob? OCaml Syntax Sucks

all you wanna know about sort

julia language uses the “end” keyword. nasty.

Nested Syntax: Brackets vs Begin/End vs Indentation

programing, logic, proof system. good book?


erlang vs haskell vs ocaml. year 2012

xah quora erlang haskell ocaml 2019-12-27 th93g
xah quora erlang haskell ocaml 2019-12-27

Design Patterns Snake Oil

why software sucks 2019-12-26 6kpbd
Why Software Suck

and there's a story to that article. the article was written in 2001. Someone posted it to hackernews in 2010. Then, same fak at hackernews ban'd xahlee.org detail: Hacker News, XahLee.org, and What is Politics?

oh the actual article is Ban Xah Lee

macOS Time Machine, HFS+, exFAT, which?

bought a external disk. See Best External USB Storage Device (SSD Drive)


macos time machine popup 2019-12-22 gk598
macOS Time Machine popup 2019-12-22

the question is, should i use the Mac's Time Machine for backup?

After some research, the answer is no, because:

To use the Apple Time Machine backup, the disk needs to be formatted in apple's file system HFS Plus. Using HFS Plus means, the disk will be difficult to use in Microsoft Windows or Linux.

So, no.

also, today's interchange disk format is exFAT, which is relatively new (designed in 2006), and very popular. exFAT is also designed with flash drive in mind. It doesn't have the various FAT FAT16 FAT32 format problems or the aged NTFS.

stuck in erlang hell

erlang 2019-12-22 g6gb8
erlang 2019-12-22

press control+c twice to exit.

mac homebrew phone home

mac homebrew phone home 2019-12-22 sh9pp
mac homebrew phone home 2019-12-22

to turn it off, run

brew analytics off

Xah Talk Show
八雲 紫(やくも ゆかり) Yukari Yakumo, divination, trigram, hexagram, bagua, iching, book of change 2019-12-17

Share File from Android to Mac via BlueTooth

Pointless Programing

oh i have a article What is Point-free Programing? (point-free function syntax)

point-free programing isn't so interesting. it's basically the same with syntax that don't allow args. a higher up interesting is function-level programing

join xahlee discord interesting people, varied opinions, nerd heaven.

Hardware Modeled (Von Neumann) Computer Languages and Functional-Level Languages

Xah Talk Show
unicode, ancient/weird alphabets, rune, braille, combinatorics based system, astronomy astrology symbols 2019-12-15

Shen lisp creator Mark Tarver has a new site


See also:

elvish langs

elvish langs 2019-12-12 yw6t8
elvish langs 2019-12-12

fak the elves and fak tokien. the extreme fake complexity of utter uselessness, created by nerd for nerd

Computer Devices Bandwidth Table

Compiler Explorer


seems a great tool to play with. It support golang haskell c c++ and others. It takes a source code and dissembes into compiled code.

Raspberry Pi Thwarts Backdoor Chips?

it seems Raspberry Pi and now Paralla is a thing. i was worried about big brother putting things into chips in comp we use. But it seems, Raspberry Pi etc are somewhat a solution

do we generally worry about whether the chips on raspberry has backdoor? i don't think so, right? because it's only few things there, and most buying it are hardware hackers so they'd know.

xahlee demeaning 2019-12-03 mmqxc
xahlee demeaning people, from Jake Johnstone 2019-12-03

futter opensource

futter opensource 2019-12-02 75pk9
futter opensource 2019-12-02
xahlee food 20191130 wqnk5
xahlee food 20191130 wqnk5

StackOverflow Gamification

The Microsoft Hatred FAQ

Richard Stallman on Common Lisp, 1981
Famous Programers on How Common Lisp Sucks

space caget 2019-11-17 xzkpg
space caget 2019-11-17

2014-07-06 xah's thoughts extrempore. On a million dollar of digital books vs paper books.

i was just talking to myself in the past hour about digital book vs paper book. One important, critical thing, about paper books that we don't have in digital books of today is the touch-feely perception. Long story short, with paper books, each has different quality, paper material, weight, smell, etc. Which, are integrated with the book's content in our perception system in our brain. Because, we human animals have adopted to the physical world, the nature, and our brain is adopted to such world, and have developed memory and sensory perceptions to all things we touch or near by. Digital books doesn't have that. You read 100 books all with the same cold screen, same smell, same physical appearance.

most people's love of paper book is idiotic. (which i've covered in the past hour when talking to myself, but too long to rehash it out here so i'll elide) But this quality of paper book i'm speaking of in above paragraph, is critical. It is partly why, we feel that paper books make us actually receive info, and i think it's veribly true. Remember the coffee spots on particular page's content? the dog ears of the page? etc. Those, are integerated with the content in our brain. Maybe you don't recall but your brain's memory system does.

so, it dawn'd on me, how can we make digital books do that? Enterprenurs listen: we need to create digital devices that can emit odor. So, different digital book can create different odor when opened in a computer screen. This way, we get back some touchy-feely advantage of paper books. And, after this, we can improve by having the digital device change its screen texture for different books, etc. But for now, need to get odor.

this idea is copyrighted by Xah Lee. All Rights reserved.

old unix books

my first unix book was

Unix for the Impatient 1995 2019-11-11 dztc7
Unix for the Impatient 1995. By Paul Abrahams. Buy at amazon

then, a good one is:

unix power tools 2019-11-11 rqqh8
Unix Power Tools by Shelley Powers Buy at amazon

and Essential Sys Admin, by Aeleen Frisch , very popular, but is no good.

essential sys admin aeleen frisch 2019-11-11 xbxfd
Essential Sys Admin, Aeleen Frisch

Sesame Street Pinball Number Count

pinpall, amazing, sesame street production

Sesame Street Pinball Number Count (All Segments)

Unicode Character Bad Naming

Niklaus Wirth, Compiler Construction

nesting limit of different languages in parsing jason. perl python ruby php rust golang nim C C++ haskell

parse json nest limit 2019-11-08
parse json nest limit 2019-11-08 https://github.com/lovasoa/bad_json_parsers/blob/master/README.md

unicode Cuneiform in macOS Google Chrome problem

problem: html page with unicode cuneiform characters displays well on all browsers in Win10, but on macOS, cuneiform characters shows as blank boxes in Google Chrome, but works in Firefox, safari.

copy and paste the following into a file, name it test.html

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Cuneiform </title>
<mark class="unicode" title="U+12001: CUNEIFORM SIGN A TIMES A">𒀁</mark>

on MacOS, open it in Chrome. The cuneiform characters doesn't show. try to make it show, by adding CSS.

question: on macOS safari console , how to find out what font is actually used?

goto this page to see Unicode: Cuneiform 𒁷

[image source http://turnoff.us/geek/love-powershell/, © [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode] ]
xah powershell logo
PowerShell Basics

major update.

Which Programing Language is Easier to Learn

Proliferation of Programing Languages

story of sagemath and cocalc

[Should I Resign from My Full Professor Job to Work Fulltime on Cocalc? By William Stein. At http://sagemath.blogspot.com/2019/05/should-i-resign-from-my-full-professor.html ]

every smart phone has a id. IMSI and IMEI

smart phone id imsi 2019-10-25 368zz
smart phone id imsi 2019-10-25
smart phone id imei 2019-10-25 jmmxh
smart phone id imei 2019-10-25

a new lisp: BEL

[a new lisp: BEL By Paul Graham. At http://paulgraham.com/bel.html ]

reading paul graham's bel lang. omg, i find it very silly. Why is paul perpetually enamored with lisp? he's trying to relive 1960s. times has moved on. today we have lots formalism and understanding of logic. i find what he's doing idiotic.

How to Make Video Games

New Researh Shows Microsoft Word Beats Latex

See bottom

The TeX Pestilence: Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks

How Much You Make on YouTube for Programing Tutorial

Microsoft Bosque Language

Proliferation of Programing Languages

libgen 2019-10-13 yspmt

Why I Love Golang

Golang: Find String (grep) Script

golang. join slice of strings to one big string. added to

Golang: Slice

parceljs doc 2019-10-04 zd8gv
parceljs doc 2019-10-04

parceljs has very bad doc. unclear how its server start or stop. lots things unexplained. wtf is asset. no explanation on what parcel actually do. now i have to goto 3rd party spam tutorial.

on the other hand, reactjs and yarnjs both have excellent docs.

Golang Problems

Indentless Code Formatting Style

Syntax Soup

incorrect English on yarnjs site

yarn incorrect english ie 2019-10-04 hgjdp
yarn incorrect english ie 2019-10-04

[Programming Languages and Lambda Calculi (Utah CS7520 Version) By Matthias Felleisen, Matthew Flatt. At https://www.cs.utah.edu/~mflatt/past-courses/cs7520/public_html/s06/notes.pdf ]

The rise and fall of XML. Be conservative in what you send; be liberal in what you accept. 2019-10-01

[The Harmful Consequences of Postel's Maxim By Network Working Group, M Thomson, Mozilla. At https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-thomson-postel-was-wrong-01.html ]