Unicode: Gun Emoji History

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Pistol Emoji History

The USA political SJW movement, around 2016, began to massively change English language by force, which includes, unicode emoji.

It began by Apple Inc, that changed pistol emoji to a water pistol.

in 2024-08-20, Elon Musk changed back to pistol picture on x.com (aka Twitter).

This makes a chapter in the history of Unicode.

Here's what pistol emoji is rendered on your computer: ๐Ÿ”ซ (U+1F52B: PISTOL)

gun emoji 2024-08-20 95128
gun emoji 2024-08-20 95128
unicode gun emoji 2024-08-20
unicode gun emoji 2024-08-20

Emoji politics