JS: Value Types

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Variables don't have type.

Any value in JavaScript is one of the following type.

JavaScript data types
type namesample valueexplanation
undefined †undefinedundefined is the only value of this type.
[see undefined]
null †nullnull is the only value of this type.
[see null]
boolean †truetrue and false are the only possible values.
[see true, false]
string †"xyz" [see String Overview]
number †34Includes special value NaN (Not A Number) and Infinity
[see NaN] [see Infinity]
symbol † Symbol() Always-unique value primarily for use as property keys. [see Symbol Tutorial]
object{"x":3}The “object” type is a collection of key/value pairs. Many object has special purpsoes, e.g. Array, function, date, regex, etc.
[see Object Type]

† A value of these types are called Primitive Value.

JavaScript, Value Types

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