JS: Property Key "constructor"

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Where Does the Constructor Property Came From?

By spec, every function has a Property Key "prototype" (except Arrow Function ) .

For user-defined function f, the value of f.prototype by default is {"constructor":f} (that is, a object with one property key "constructor", with value of the function itself).

// every function has a property key "prototype" (except arrow fuction)

function FF() {}


// its value is a object, with just 1 property
console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(FF.prototype).length === 1);

// the property key is the string "constructor"

// value of the property key "constructor" is the function
console.log(FF.prototype.constructor === FF);

When you create a object using new as in jj = new FF(), the newly created object jj does not have a property key "constructor", but inherits from its parent, which is FF.prototype.

Let's be more precise:

  1. Let there be a function FF, whose return value is not a object. (that is, no return statement, or explicitly return a non-object. 〔see Object Type〕)
  2. The function FF is used with Operator “new”, as in jj = new FF() to create a object.
  3. The parent of jj, has a property key "constructor".
function FF() {}
const jj = new FF();
console.log(jj.hasOwnProperty("constructor") === false);


The constructor property is meant to let you find the creator function of a object. (but is not reliable.)

Here is a typical way constructor property is used.

// typical use of constructor property

function FF() {}
const jj = new FF();
console.log(jj.constructor === FF);

Value of the Property Key "constructor"

It can be anything user sets.

Let's say you have user-created object named jj. You want to know what's the value of jj.constructor.

Normally, jj itself does not have a property key "constructor". But jj's parent object usually does.

jj's parent object, let's call it pp, may have a proprety named “constructor”, and its value, by default, is a function FF that created jj by jj = new FF();.

function FF() {}
const jj = new FF();
const pp = Reflect.getPrototypeOf(jj);

console.log(jj.hasOwnProperty("constructor") === false);
console.log(pp.constructor === FF);

Do Not Use the Constructor Property

There's no reliable way to find a object's creator function. Because:

〔see What is Constructor?

Here is a example. Setting a parent will offset the constructor value.

// the value of the property key "constructor" is not guaranteed to be the constructor function

const jj = {};

function FF() {}
FF.prototype = jj;

const xx = new FF();

console.log((xx.constructor === FF) === false);

Standard Object's Constructor

For JavaScript's standard objects, using the constructor property is reliable (but is not very useful other than understanding how it works)

// showing array's constructor
const aa = [];

console.log(aa.hasOwnProperty("constructor") === false);
console.log(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(aa) === Array.prototype);
console.log(Array.prototype.constructor === Array);
console.log(Array.prototype.constructor === aa.constructor);

// showing a date object's constructor
const dd = new Date();
console.log(dd.hasOwnProperty("constructor") === false);
console.log(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(dd) === Date.prototype);
console.log(Date.prototype.constructor === Date);
console.log(Date.prototype.constructor === dd.constructor);

// showing a function object's constructor
const ff = function () {};
console.log(ff.hasOwnProperty("constructor") === false);
console.log(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(ff) === Function.prototype);
console.log(Function.prototype.constructor === Function);
console.log(Function.prototype.constructor === ff.constructor);

// Showing a data object's constructor
const jj = {};
console.log(jj.hasOwnProperty("constructor") === false);
console.log(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(jj) === Object.prototype);
console.log(Object.prototype.constructor === Object);
console.log(Object.prototype.constructor === jj.constructor);

// showing a RegExp object's constructor
const rr = /x/;
console.log(rr.hasOwnProperty("constructor") === false);
console.log(Reflect.getPrototypeOf(rr) === RegExp.prototype);
console.log(RegExp.prototype.constructor === RegExp);
console.log(RegExp.prototype.constructor === rr.constructor);

JavaScript, Constructor, Class