Xah JavaScript Style Guide for Functional Programers
Xah's JavaScript style guide, for functional programing. Ordered roughly from most important to less.

Code Formatting
Never use var
Never use var
It is from early days of JavaScript.
It has complex variable scope
, and complex name-hoisting behavior.
Always Declare Variable
Never have undeclared variable such as:
x = 3
Undeclared variables becomes properties of global object.
〔see JS: Keyword var and Global Variable〕
Never Use Double Equal
Never use double equal ==
It does type conversion implicitly, which
returns true
for [] == ""
, etc.
Use triple equal ===
〔see Equality〕
Never Use for-in Loop
When you use for-in Loop, it goes thru the Prototype Chain. That's almost never what you want.
To go thru properties, use: Object.keys then use Array.prototype.forEach 〔see List Properties〕
Never Use “with” Statement
The with
statement creates semantic ambiguity of code inside its curly brackets,
if local variable are declared using var
, it can mean the property of a object.
const jj = {x:4}; with (jj) { var x = 3; // x is meant to be local variable } console.log( jj ); // { x: 3 } // jj.x is changed
const jj = {x:4}; with (jj) { let x = 3; } console.log( jj ); // { x: 4 } // jj.x is not changed
Never Use the Delete Operator
Never use the “delete” Operator
- The return value is true even if argument is not object.
- On array, it creates sparse array.
- On object, it is inefficient.
Better is actually never delete property of a non-array object. Set the property value to JS: null, if you must.
If you are using data object as a dictionary, use JS: Map (aka Dictionary)
Never Use the Arguments Object
Don't use the arguments
You never need it.
It makes code hard to understand, and JavaScript compilers have difficulty optimizing it. 〔see JS: arguments Object〕
Never Use the Property named “constructor”
Never use the property key "constructor"
. Because its value can be anything.
can be changed anytime by user.f.prototype
can also be changed anytime by user.
Never use the instanceof Operator
Never use the instanceof Operator . Because, what it actually does may not be what you expect, and there are better ways to do what you want.
obj instanceof f
is basically the same as f.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj)
Lots of things can go wrong, because:
- The value
can be changed anytime. - Parent of object can also change anytime.
To find a object's subtype, use
Reflect.apply( Object.prototype.toString , val, [] )
〔see Determine Type of Object〕
To determine if a object is in the Prototype Chain of another, use Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf .
Never Use Object Constructor “Object()”
Never use the
Object Constructor
to create a object,
because its behavior is complex. Use it only to convert a Primitive Value to object type.
To create object,
Object Literal Expression
, or use
Never Use Keyword “this”
Never use the keyword this
Because, its value is dependent on calling context in a complex way.
〔see this Binding〕
Use Object.create
Douglas Crockford, said he stopped using this
and new
〔see Douglas Crockford the Better Parts: the Bads Parts Reconsidered〕
Never Use Operator 「new」
Avoid using new F
, because its behavior is extremely complex, and drags in all the extremely other complex parts, the
this Binding,
Property Key "prototype",
Property Key "constructor".
〔see Operator “new”〕
Instead, write a function that returns a object, and or use Object.create. This way, you can more simply and reliably specify parent object. 〔see Get Set Prototype〕
Never Use Getter/Setter Properties
Getter Setter Properties are complex, and are not necessary. They are methods pretending to be properties. Just define methods explicitly if you need to. This way, it is explict what the code is doing.
Always Use Semicolon
Always use semicolon. Omitting semicolon creates hard-to-find bugs.
Never use Function.prototype.Call, Function.prototype.Apply
See Function Call, Apply, Bind.
Use Reflect.apply instead, because it avoids JavaScript's complex Prototype Chain, and makes the code clearer.
Never Use Keyword “function” to Define a Function
Functions defined by keyword function
has the following complexities.
- JS: thisBinding
- JS: Function Name Hoisting
- JS: arguments Object
- Nested function scope complexity.
Always use Arrow Function.
Arrow function do not have thisBinding nor argument object, nor hoisting behavior nor nesting scope problems.
And arrow function can be moved anywhere, including inside if
statement or any block construct.
The name will be local to that code block.
Never Use Keyword “class”
The Class is a syntax shortcut for JavaScript's prototype object system, which drag you into all the bad things about it.
Program functionally. Just use Arrow Function
Avoid Using “eval()”
Using eval is sort of meta programing. But it has several problems.
- It is a security risk. For example, user's arbitrary input could be evaluated.
- It is bug prone. It is hard to debug and tell what it is doing, because the code is not known until run-time.
- It is slow. Because JavaScript has to parse it and run it at run time.