JS: “in” Operator
key in obj
if property key key is obj's own property or if key is a property of some object in obj's Prototype Chain. (Both string and Symbol keys) Else,false
.// simple example const xx = { "p1": 1 }; console.log("p1" in xx);
// in-operator on parent property const x1 = { "p1": 1 }; // create a object x2, with parent x1 const x2 = Object.create(x1); console.log("p1" in x2);
// the “in” operator works with symbol key const ss = Symbol(); const x1 = { [ss]: 4 }; console.log(ss in x1);
the syntax key in obj
is not a part of the syntax for (key in obj) {body}
They look the same but don't have the same meaning.
for-in Loop]