JS: Difference Between typeof, instanceof, constructor property
return the type of the object, but array, object, date, regex, etc all just return"object"
. 〔see “typeof” Operator〕instanceof
checks if a object is in the Prototype Chain of a function's property"prototype"
's value. 〔see instanceof Operator〕- Property key
is meant to return the function that created the object.
💡 TIP: You shoud avoid using any of them, because they are not reliable.
Instead, check directly what you are looking for, by:
- Check for parent object. 〔see Get Set Prototype〕
- Check for the exact “subtype” of a object. 〔see Determine Type of Object〕
- Check for the exact property, own or inherited. 〔see Check Property Existence〕
JavaScript, Constructor, Class
- JS: thisBinding
- JS: What is Constructor
- JS: Property Key "prototype"
- JS: Operator “new”
- JS: instanceof Operator
- JS: Property Key "constructor"
- JS: Difference Between typeof, instanceof, constructor property
- JS: Class
- JS: Class Syntax
- JS: Class Expression
- JS: typeof Class
- JS: Keyword “static” (static method)
- JS: Keyword “extends”
- JS: Keyword “super”
- JS: Define a Class Without Using Keyword class