Launch Emacs

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Emacs can run in GUI mode (graphical user interface), or within a text terminal. [see Emacs: Terminal vs Graphical User Interface]

Launch GUI Emacs, from Terminal

On a text terminal, type:


# linux. Start GUI emacs
# linux. Start GUI emacs. and if terminal is killed, won't kill emacs with it
nohup emacs &


# MacOS, Start GUI emacs
/Applications/ &
macOS terminal launch emacs 2022-10-05
macOS terminal launch emacs 2022-10-05

Microsoft Windows

Run Emacs in Text Terminal

On a text terminal, type:


# linux. run emacs in text terminal
emacs -nw

-nw is same as --no-window-system, means run emacs in text terminal.


# Mac OS X. run emacs in text terminal
/Applications/ -nw

Microsoft Windows

Start emacs and open a file

# open a file with emacs
emacs fileName

Emacs, start up and init files