Emacs: Change Font Size

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Change Font Size Globally via Menu

222245 emacs change font size 2023-08-08 65zm
222245 emacs change font size 2023-08-08 65zm
emacs change font size 2023-08-08 HRjF
emacs change font size 2023-08-08 HRjF

Change Font Size Globally by Mouse

new in Emacs 29 (Released 2023-07)

hold down Ctrl+Meta then scroll mouse wheel. (the command name is mouse-wheel-global-text-scale )

Change Font Size Globally by Command

new in Emacs 29 (Released 2023-07)

Alt+x global-text-scale-adjust

then press

You can press them repeatedly. Press any key to exit.

Change Current Buffer Font Size by Command

Alt+x text-scale-increase
Make font size larger in current buffer.
Alt+x text-scale-decrease
Make font size smaller in current buffer.
Alt+x text-scale-adjust
Changes font size in current buffer. Call it, then press + to increase, - to decrease. You can press them repeatedly. Press 0 to set it back to default size. Press any key to exit.

Change Current Buffer Font Size by Mouse

Hold Ctrl then mouse scroll up or down. ( the command called is mouse-wheel-text-scale )

Works in {Windows, Mac, Linux}.

To set a font and size across sessions, see Emacs Init: Setup Font

Emacs Font Setup