Emacs: Spell Checking
Spell Checking, Current Word or Whole Buffer
Alt+x ispell-word
【Alt+$】 to check spelling of current word.
Alt+x flyspell-buffer
to spell check whole buffer.
Note: spell checking requires the linux command ispell
Alt+x flyspell-mode
to turn on spell checker as you type.
Call again to turn off.
when flyspell-mode is on, the following commands have key shortcuts.
【Ctrl+,】 to move cursor to next error. (only whenflyspell-mode
is on.)flyspell-auto-correct-word
【Ctrl+.】 to correct the word under cursor. Press the key again to swap to next suggestion.
flyspell-mode config
To have it always on, put this in your Emacs Init File:
(defun my-turn-spell-checking-on () "Turn flyspell-mode on." (flyspell-mode 1) ) (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'my-turn-spell-checking-on)