Xah Talk Show 2019 Index
Index, year 2019
- 2019-12-30. new year resolution, how to be happy, femism STEM, Middle East
- 2019-12-26 emacs, elisp. xah-select-block, Xah Fly Keys, magit, git, german alphabet ß, keyboard layout
- 2019-12-24 harddisk vs flash drive, politics of Taiwan USA China, great fringe mathematicians and programers,
- 2019-12-23 programable keypad, log your life (heatbeat, sleep, walk, email, keystroks, phone…), polymorphism explained
- 2019-12-22
- 2019-12-21 EmTime system/notation. Live coding golang. convert 24h time system to 36h system with base 6 notation
- 2019-12-20
- 2019-12-19 Nicaragua. what do people know? how to judge who to trust? what do you think you know?
- 2019-12-18 polyomino, scheme lisp shell, Pascal's Theorem/wager, Paul Graham, western/eastern philosophy, mohism
- 2019-12-17 八雲 紫(やくも ゆかり) Yukari Yakumo, divination, trigram, hexagram, bagua, iching, book of change
- 2019-12-15 unicode, ancient/weird alphabets, rune, braille, combinatorics based system, astronomy astrology symbols
- 2019-12-14 hand writing Chinese, JavaScript coding vector dot product function style, intro to constructed language
- 2019-12-13 intro to Japanese writing system, input system, keyboard layout
- 2019-12-12 arch linux, hacker culture, elf language, rune script, mouse hover/auto click
- 2019-12-10 spoken language vs writing system, listen/speak vs read/write, simplified vs traditional chinese char
- 2019-12-09 emacs lisp live coding + tutorial. command to convert png to jpg while in html buffer
- 2019-12-08, emacs lisp coding command for global bigger font, chat with Bart
- 2019-12-07 hyphenated words, orthography, emacs input symbol/emoji é♥, writing styles of programing lang docs
- 2019-12-06 how to contribute to emacs, linux firewall iptable networking
- 2019-12-04 do not donate to Wikipedia, Naruto swirl, fishball, fishcake 🍥, BIG rant emacs undo/redo
- 2019-12-03 The Matrix/Womb, super computers, japan K computer, network topology, 6D torus topology, UK lorry
- 2019-12-02 matrix and vector explained to programers, JavaScript live coding matrix/vector functions
- 2019-12-01 emacs lisp, what is metadata, command to show/delete metadata
- 2019-11-30 math, what is random, what is pseudo random?
- 2019-11-29 live coding javascript+svg polyhedron real time rotation, math, geometry
- 2019-11-27 emacs, image resize, crop, convert, rename
- 2019-11-26 DIY keyboard Rhapsody: Gergo Georgi Ginni ButterStick Datahand Kyria POS keyboards
- 2019-11-24 emacs lisp live coding, add Norman layout support to xah fly keys, hybrid vigor
- 2019-11-23 JavaScript+SVG live coding+tutorial. creating polyhedron real-time rotation from scratch
- 2019-11-22 lisp family. Common Lisp, Scheme, Elisp, Clojure. macOS SpotLight, Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Young
- 2019-11-21 footsie with trackball and Kinesis pedal
- 2019-11-20 misc emacs custom commands, mouse vs trackball
- 2019-11-19. Language Design: Should Array Index Start at 0 or 1?, Math Models of 3D Input Control
- 2019-11-17 6 hours watch, 24 hours watch, heximal system, stenotype, plank, plover, piano, keyboard systems
- 2019-11-16 batsh ocaml reasonML fsharp haskell, hotshots, and math geometry aperiodic tiling
- 2019-11-15 Geometry regular polyhedron, JavaScript + SVG tutorial, rotate 3D cube real time
- 2019-11-14 Arrow Keys efficiency, vim vs inverted T, WASD, 2 handed arrows. Emacs/vi Keys History
- 2019-11-10 emacs lisp live coding + tutorial, open-buffer-in-firefox, open-link-in-firefox. typing speed test
- 2019-11-08 parsing, parser, xml, solve problems, creating html page in emacs
- 2019-11-07 Signum keyboard. History of CMS, eXtreme Programing, Agile, Crackpots, static site generator. wikipedia vs Britannica
- 2019-11-06 happy hacking keyboard lisp 96 cpu cores, Voronoi diagram in hyperbolic space, emacs, powershell
- 2019-11-03 emacs, default mode, color theme, xah-lookup.el, Xah Fly Keys, vscode, demo powershell on Mac
- 2019-11-02 history of version control systems cvs svn mercurial git, and sites. clojure java tango
- 2019-11-01 xah emacs setup from scratch and live coding emacs lisp open-in-vscode
- 2019-10-31 JavaScript npm webpack live coding, 90min rant on modern JavaScript
- 2019-10-30 JavaScript, Array, range, functional programing loop with break, syntactic/semantic of map
- 2019-10-29 why some lang forever niche? scheme lisp, nim, julia, haskell, why i love golang
- 2019-10-28 UI peepshow windows, astronomy The Pleiades, Why TeX/LaTeX Sucks
- 2019-10-27 live coding JavaScript + svg. plot math curve
- 2019-10-26 why OpenSource/Linux fanatics can never create good user interface
- 2019-10-25 Kinesis vs Ultimate Hacking Keyboard, JavaScript in Depth, webpack, unit testing mantra
- 2019-10-24 JavaScript+svg live coding, math plotter
- 2019-10-23 UHK keyboard, TKL jargon, swastica, reclining buddha, flag bikini, imperialism, Puritan
- 2019-10-22 Chinese Food vs American, Cellular Automata, Artificial Life, generative art, algorithmic math art
- What Makes Functional Programing Language, Second Life Combat, Julian Assange, Open Source
- 2019-10-20, why AI neural networks are nasty, AlphaGo AlphaZero, atom webfeed, ASMR
- 2019-10-19 Projective Geometry, Bertrand Russell, schizoid, Sam Harris, Camille Paglia
- 2019-10-18. netiquette anthropology, a troll's confection, dead links, and stoned
- 2019-10-17 HAVIT Keyboard, numerical keypad, neo layout, layers=bad, math/emoji input
- 2019-10-16 laputa, gulliver's travels, truncate lines, line based syntax, unix philosophy damage to society
- 2019-10-15 how much YouTuber makes. failure context of open source, OK Google, open street maps, globasa, hacker
- 2019-10-14 emacs ★ Sacha Chua|how to become popular on YouTube|coding golf
- 2019-10-13 Microsoft Apple repair, capitalism vs communism. humanity and classic literature, digital vs analog
- 2019-10-12 SteelSeries Apex Pro Keyboard, Mouses, Golang Multi Strings Grep, China Censorship, the American Way
- 2019-10-11 YouTube stream live chat link blocking, steelseries keyboard, maze for programers, analog mech keyboard
- 2019-10-10 Google censor emacs newsgroup, history modifier keys shift control meta, democracy chant
- 2019-10-09 nushell linux top htop lxde xfce Stephen Hawking book, Google newspeak 1984, scientology
- 2019-10-08 Melodious Voice, Xah on 4chan, Lust, Caution, Women
- 2019-10-07 emacs customize, elisp xah-open-link-in-chrome, browser history, bible, Wandering Stars,
- 2019-10-06 discord, JavaScript svelte, writing a book, be yourself, OpenBSD web design
- 2019-10-05 shen lisp, monk, Shakespeare Andronicus, Paul Graham and philosophy, nim crystal golang
- 2019-10-04 Mathematica, privacy, open source, utopia, dystopia, justice+freedom = white man's thought
- 2019-10-03 Microsoft new Keyboard, control fear, schizoid, ascetic, millennials YouTubers
- 2019-10-02 nodejs, asynchronous vs currency vs parallel programing, golang, lisp cons
- 2019-10-01 The rise and fall of XML. Be conservative in what you send; be liberal in what you accept
- 2019-09-30 d3js maze, math seashell, non-mono font for code, JavaScript raining 💕, REPL, Mathematica notebook
- 2019-09-29 Open Source, Richard Stallman, Recycling, Global Warming, Democracy Dies in Darkness
- 2019-09-28 programing language syntax. why is syntax the most important
- 2019-09-27 programing language syntax. ad hoc vs uniform. Syntax system and Syntax algebra
- 2019-09-26 Xah live scream. patent, copyright, regime change, capitalism, corruption, nsfw
- 2019-09-25 Unicode, UTF-8, UTF-16, Encoding Systems, Unix/Linux/OpenSource Fanaticism
- 2019-09-24 how compiler works. bad video
- 2019-09-23 all about keyboards for programer
- 2019-09-22 end of FSF, ban xah lee or irc. programing lang beginner, how best programer, great JavaScript apps
- 2019-09-21 Richald Stallman Resign FSF, emacs tips, split window workflow, register
- 2019-09-20 dvorak colemak minimak layouts, ergodox, keyboard firmware, keybinding, ergodox, programable keypads
- 2019-09-19 No Agenda Show, weeaboo, japan culture in America, perl/php LAMP? swap capslock/control?
- 2019-09-18 emacs lisp, golang. write script to Check Parenthesis/Brackets Balance
- 2019-09-17 Jaron Lanier, no donate to Wikipedia, No U millennials, Diet of Xah Lee, Wushu, Jet Li
- 2019-09-16 cheap webcam, unicode brackets, good emacs key choices, live coding elisp English to braille,
- 2019-09-15 rot13, bash, perl, ruby, clojure leiningen, linux Mac Windows keybinding, emacs efficiency,
- 2019-09-14 CSS tutorial, history, and my experiences with CSS and web design. red pill or blue pill?
- 2019-09-13 Chinese input methods, understand JavaScript object in depth, in a math style
- 2019-09-12 mandelbrot set, entrepreneurship, my experiences of org mode, why isn't your mom using linux?
- 2019-09-11 Second Life, Unicode, ∀ Gundam, mecha, android, bots, MUD, evil google, browsers, RSS, youtube-dl, luna lang
- 2019-09-10 writing curve plotting app in JavaScript+DOM+SVG
- 2019-09-09 history of Apple, Richard Stallman on Steve Jobs, Dennis Ritchie, Evil open source, web login etc
- 2019-09-08 functional programing explained with JavaScript. composition, closure, currying, etc
- 2019-09-07 what is functional programing and what are its jargons?
- 2019-09-07 what is functional programing and what are its jargons?
- randam chat. Second Life, virtual reality, AI, object relational mapping, furries, NixOS,2019-09-06b
- 2019-09-06 unicode inverted text, emacs regex and in emacs lisp
- 2019-09-04 can you talk politics with friends. my view of Hong Kong
- 2019-09-03 The unix pestilence
- 2019-09-02 FFI, AI science+tech growth vs human learning, global internet time, TV vs phone, accents
- 2019-09-01 Plane Curves, Elliptic curve, What makes a great programmer?, very weird mathematicians
- 2019-08-31 knobs keyboard, joystick mouse, linux tiling windows, ratpoison, juggling, video games
- 2019-08-30 The Unix Pestilence, Microsoft, SGI, Kinesis Keyboard Alternative? is China Evil?
- 2019-08-29 emacs xah-html-mode intro
- 2019-08-28 math languages, scientific programing, a new kind of science, what is random, cellular automata
- 2019-08-27 emacs lisp tutorial (via python?). setq vs set. message vs insert vs print
- 2019-08-26 why golang? syntax color, turkish layout, etymology of hash table, abuse of logic operator
- 2019-08-25 Guile scheme lisp, is python a lisp?, JetBrain vs Emacs editor, why clojure java
- 2019-08-24 keyboard keycaps tech, intro to TypeScript, compared to JavaScript
- 2019-08-23 JavaScript alternatives, intro to ES2015, JavaScript warts
- 2019-08-22 Myers-Briggs, personality test, personality disorder, psychology
- 2019-08-21 all you want to know about keyboard layout, dvorak, colemak, touch tying
- 2019-08-20 why you should not cry about OpenSource or Free Software, monopoly
- 2019-08-19 Deseret/Shavian Alphabets, IPA, font size, fugue, elisp coding youtube html
- 2019-08-18, blockchain, bitcoin, silk road, Megaupload, Sci-Hub, pirate bay, Copyright
- 2019-08-17 emacs completion + templates. autocomplete, company-mode, yasnippet, abbrev
- 2019-08-16 emacs dired and emacs tips
- 2019-08-14 Spelling Reform, Lojban, Esperanto, Purpose of Logo, Arabian Nights, Arabic
- 2019-08-13 Europa and the Bull. BCE CE BC AD, Religions. Voice input for programer
- 2019-08-11. jwz keyboard. why JavaScript no "use js2015", rant on Brendan Eich
- 2019-08-07 story of math crisis, math foundation, proof theory, and homotopy type theory
- 2019-08-06 writing emacs major mode
- 2019-08-04 emacs regex tutorial. ruby sigil, programing language type as syntax
- 2019-08-03 emacs lisp coding xah-update-atom-entry-date. History of RSS/atom/webfeed
- 2019-08-01 programing languages and their culture. perl python ruby
- 2019-07-31 EmacsConf 2019, emacs meetup SF, elisp live coding html xah-new-page
- 2019-07-29 web cam, scam of gadget review pop sites, facebook twitter, youtube, fakenews
- 2019-07-27. Random Chat. 说说香港人的问题. Hong Kong, British Empire, China, Silicon Valley
- 2019-07-26. math. combinatorial exploration of possible algebraic structures
- 2019-07-19 lisp syntax, s-exp, meta-expression, Mathematica, meaning of sugar syntax
- 2019-07-18 lisp, Mathematica, term rewriting, pattern matching, idiocy of lisp macros
- 2019-07-17. Steve Jobs, Apple suck, Microsoft linux, mmo mouse, input systems, analog keyboard
- Xah Show 2019-07-15. fun math books. math branches. graph theory, group theory, complex analysis
- 2019-07-13 THC, marshal law, blit, keyboard, culture, writing style, passive voice
- Xah Show 2019-07-12. big rant. mastodon, open source, social justice, rms Richard Stallman
- 2019-07-10 why i love golang, live coding on sitemap script. Rant on C, unix philosophy
- 2019-07-09 Unicode Symbol/Emoji fiasco. sitemap. esr Eric Raymond, open source, fsf
- 2019-07-08 live coding JavaScript truchet tiles (geometry)
- 2019-07-06 graph/group theory books, Egyptian Hieroglyph, html frameset, opensource ideology
- 2019-07-05 krita, action figure, comics, jap vs us, cortana, ai, etymology
- 2019-07-02. emacs lisp, interactive form, universal arg. concave surface keyboards
- 2019-06-28 TeX replacement, JavaScript CSS generator, RGB HSL color models
- 2019-06-27 dynamic vs typed languages. JavaScript live coding CSS box shadow generator
- 2019-06-25 JavaScript live coding interactive CSS radial gradient generator
- 2019-06-24 classical music, Bach, Liszt, dance frenzy, keyboard layout, input methods, shortcut layout, Repetitive Strain Injury
- 2019-06-20 JavaScript svg drawing ellipse, unicode math symbols in variable name and function names
- 2019-06-15 live coding golang find/replace script, emacs + xah-fly-keys
- 2019-06-14 emacs lisp, xah-copy-line-or-region, can Atom/VSCode replace emacs?
- 2019-06-13 linguistics pragmatics semiotics cybernetic synergetics pseudo/quasi science
- 2019-06-12 japan kanji keyboard, low profile keyboard, Kunth TeX, and idiocy of typography
- 2019-06-09 emacs workflow demo. Unicode Phoenician. Cherry Point of Sale Keyboards
- 2019-06-08 can emacs search files in a dir? unix philosophy, do they do one thing well?
- 2019-06-07 understand JavaScript object like a mathematician
- Xah talk show 2019-06-05 live coding javascript, html entities, emacs workflow demo, xah fly keys
- 2019-06-04 the of scourge of html/xml entities
- 2019-05-29 JavaScript NodeList vs HTMLCollection, Array-like object, emacs curly quote fiasco
- 2019-05-29 A, Kardashian, vocal fry, upspeak, Ellen Show schizoid, white girls epidemic
- 2019-05-24 Sargon of Akkad, social justice gang, rune writing system, clojure java
- 2019-05-22 schizoid in meeting, genius sleeping cycle, fireball against open source
- 2019-05-20 Math Unicode symbol ℤ, Control/Capslock Position, unix philosophy hacker idots
- 2019-05-18 emacs xah-fly-keys vs evil mode, vim, keyboard, reading novels, elite hollywood
- 2019-05-17 why teen girls gossip, mating behavior of women vs men, keyboards
- many earlier streams are not listed here.
xah talk show 2019-05-15
xah talk show 2019-05-11
possible topics
- fakenews site. how to judge a site. when to click. What site to read/watch. list of major fakenews sites, including foxnews.
- maybe talk about lisp syntax problems.
- maybe talk about lisp macros and pattern matching.
- go onto my twitter. tons of things to talk about
- about programable keypads. use together with keyboard with not many keys. Mac: Keyboard Software Guide
- 2019-05-10 mouse, spin wheel, linux, closure, perl, lisp
- xah talk show 2019-05-09
- 2019-05-08 autodidacticism, and a screeching rant against Open Source and FSF
- 2019-05-07 youtube, society, milen gen. text vs video of human communication
- 2019-05-06 geometric inversion, stereographic projection, their relations
- 2019-05-04 code elegance idiom, history of netscape, jwz, rms, open source
- 2019-05-03 unix philosophy, truncate line, clojure, concurrency, AI, consciousness
- 2019-05-02 happy hacking keyboard, ergodox, keyboardio, kinesis, steno, using piano
- 2019-04-30 function param idiocy, Backus Naur Form, LISP vs Mathematica, Peter Norvig, Nassim Taleb
- 2019-04-29 JavaScript string problem, unicode, emoji
- xah talk show 2019-04-28 on clickbait, marketing.
- 2019-04-26 history of Wolfram MathWorld, Stereographic Projection, Category Theory?
- xah talk show 2019-04-25
add mouse scroll to change input value Arrow Keys: vim HJKL vs Inverted T
- 2019-04-23 find replace in emacs, golang. and social justice
- 2019-04-22 B, live coding JavaScript app, Arrow Keys Efficiency vim HJKL vs IJKL
- xah talk show 2019-04-22 A.
- JS: the Map Object Tutorial
- ASCII Characters
- Keyboard History ⌨
- Graphical User Interface vs Command Line, a Unified Design
- Java: Collection
- Modernization of Emacs: Simple Changes Emacs Should Adopt
- Design of Keybinding, Key Shortcut, Input System
necessarily Xah Talk Show, on youtube screen in about 2 hours. SF time 11am. come by, and listen to the great and strange wondrous things of human animals.
depending who come first to ask a subject early, i give a comprehensive intro to JavaScript, the number 1 language today. for Good, and Bad.
the other topic in queue is Algorithmic Mathematical Art. Or, an intro to how compiler works. All in a unprofessional manner, like, listening to a villager in a town passing his learnings. No smooth scripted edited fake lectures or robotic reading off a text.
Death of a Troll, My Memory of Erik Naggum (1965 to 2009)
My Experience of Emacs vs XEmacs
〔Why Utopian Communities Fail By Ewan Morrison. At https://areomagazine.com/2018/03/08/why-utopian-communities-fail/〕
- xah talk show 2019-04-20
- firefox 3d view
- Play Chinese Chess Online
- Linux: Monitor Processes, htop
- Kinesis Advantage2 Keyboard
- Minebea Cool Leaf Keyboard
- add crystal. fix pure lang link Proliferation of Programing Languages
- https://flow.org/
- 2019-04-15 boba milk tea, linux UI prob, Fake News origin, sjgang, Unabomber Manifesto
- 2019-04-14 Technical Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, Projective Geometry, Linear Algebra
- 2019-04-13 machine learning, conic sections, cryptology, pure math vs applied
- 2019-04-12 emacs demo pepe, religion, capitalism, communism, Church of Satan, Ayn Rand
xah talk show 2019-04-12
learning a language. listen/speak, read/write. separate. tips: watch movies sans subtitle
text vs video.
xah talk show 2019-04-09 live coding, emacs + javascript + svg to draw geometry truchet tiles
Xah TV 2019-04-08
- HTML4 Frameset, Best Idea Killed by Google
- User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX)
- peepshow windows
- 2019-04-07 JavaScript object system, explain in a math style
- 2019-04-06 Shakespeare, scientific diet, wonder woman, superheros
- 2019-04-05 emacs move image, dvorak layout, unicode for programers, Julian Assange
- 2019-04-04 OpenGL, quickdraw3d, lang esign, bitmask, website popularity ranking
- 2019-04-03 web spam
- 2019-04-03 emacs, gothic, unicode math blackletter, dream keyboard, OpenGL, WebGL
- 2019-04-01 B. chat with Yisrael Dov
- 2019-04-01 A. emacs demo, programable keyboard, convert python 2 webcrawler to 3
- 杀杀演绎,中文 2019-03-31. Twitter CEO Jack, Burma, Eastern meditation and western white men
- 2019-03-30 why you hate exceptions, golang demo prime sieve
- 2019-03-29 golang, dynamic vs static typed languages
- 2019-03-28 emacs key macro, unicode, IPA, history of China vs Taiwan
- 2019-03-27 Western Culture vs Chinese Culture, JavaScript
- 2019-03-26 Mouse for programers
- 2019-03-25 Donald Knuth, TeX, Instruction Set Architecture, MathML, Mathematica etc
- 2019-03-23 Emacs, Emacs Lisp Demo, Language Design, Why Python Sucks, Guido's Problems
- 2019-03-22 math, tiling and patterns, web scam spam
- 2019-03-21 Bach, Liszt, emacs xml mode, english, google, conjoint twin, savant, piano
- 2019-03-19 goddesses, las vegas, software bloat, coding style guide, greek mythology
- 2019-03-17 python, iterator, iterators, #math intro to group theory for programers
- 2019-03-18 unix philosophy, cult, python, Guido, PHP, javascript
- 2019-03-16 history of python perl ruby JavaScript golang, neural network, complex numbers
- 2019-03-15 emacs lisp sitemap, python syntax, lang design, type theory, haskell
- 2019-03-14 calculus, analysis, free text books, regex
- 2019-03-13 smoking, china, schizoid, mr data
- 2019-03-12 programing tutorials, doc by dummies, RSS, steno machine
- 2019-03-09, why emacs lisp sucks
- 2019-03-08 star trek, schizoid, emacs major mode, hacker cult, cult
- 2019-03-07 Emacs Lisp, Write a Command to Convert English to Rune
- 2019-03-05 unicode
- 2019-03-04 night. constructed languages, lojban.
- 2019-03-04
- 2019-02-28 lisp machine keyboard, razer keyboard, lisp history, unix philosophy
- 2019-02-27 second life, chaos theory, linden script language, and stuff
- 2019-02-22. Programing Languages, Lisp, Homoiconicity, Haskell, Syntax, Semantics, Formal Language.
- 2019-02-15 Xah Monologue Talk Show
- 2019-02-10 a test streaming became a colorful talk
- 2019-01-22 writing a math curve plotter in JavaScript, without any library
- 2019-01-19 Surface Pro, Programing Languages, Tutorials Industry Etc
- 2019-01-19 Review of the Ultimate Hacking Keyboard
- 2019-01-10 which programing language to learn? python or ruby or haskell?
- 2019-01-07 xah-html-mode vs org mode
- 2019-01-06 Vim Golf Delete Lines
- 2019-01-04 Emacs Workflow. Command Log Mode, Working with Raw HTML
- 2019-01-02 Typing Game, RSI, Rule the World