Wolfram language pattern matching concepts
- How is it considered a match. Match whole expression or part
- Match first occurrence or all occurrences. This is important when trying to find a pattern, or when doing replacement.
- level spec. i.e. match all depths, or just a specify level or a range of levels. This is important when trying to find a pattern, or when doing replacement.
- PowerShell emacs lisp, xah PowerShell mode, add control return for semicolon return.
- maybe do js mode and wolfram and css, or check them or copy code
- emacs. recode
- emacs lisp. check my code, replace
if proper
- remove amazon links, on xah music
- remove amazon link and arts and music
{ "description": "f3 f4 copy paste", "manipulators": [ { "from": { "key_code": "f3" }, "to": [ { "key_code": "c", "modifiers": ["left_command"] } ], "type": "basic" }, { "from": { "key_code": "f4" }, "to": [ { "key_code": "v", "modifiers": ["left_command"] } ], "type": "basic" } ] }
{ "description": "f10 prev app", "manipulators": [ { "from": { "key_code": "f10" }, "to": [ { "key_code": "tab", "modifiers": ["left_command"] } ], "type": "basic" } ] }
{ "description": "f11 f12 for prev next tab.", "manipulators": [ { "from": { "key_code": "f11" }, "to": [ { "key_code": "tab", "modifiers": ["left_shift", "left_control"] } ], "type": "basic" }, { "from": { "key_code": "f12" }, "to": [ { "key_code": "tab", "modifiers": ["left_control"] } ], "type": "basic" } ] }
{ "description": "f11 f12 for fine volume controls", "manipulators": [ { "from": { "key_code": "f11" }, "to": [ { "key_code": "volume_decrement", "modifiers": ["left_shift", "left_option"] } ], "type": "basic" }, { "from": { "key_code": "f12" }, "to": [ { "key_code": "volume_increment", "modifiers": ["left_shift", "left_option"] } ], "type": "basic" } ] }
- emacs. check why some mode no match ❮tt❯ ❰tt❱
- PowerShell backup script need determine drive letter
- PowerShell tutorial, how to determine drive letter exist
- how to exit a function as error in powershell.
- xah html mode,
modesee path
tosee path
- write a PowerShell to clean temp dir. c:/Users/xah/AppData/Local/Temp/
- see how macOS does it, how if it clean it.
- also check linux
- find movie formats x.com supports. test upload a vid.
- put the mokose cam up
- maybe live review it
- svalboard
- finish writin the Wolfram language cycloid generator
- Apr 12, 2021
- find all _vidthumb_ in html files, rename it to _vdtb_
- do the same for file name
- all xah Wolfram language packages, the doc notebook, need to give a homepage url
- need to add a blurb on where to put the package
- need to write a emacs lisp script to sync my packages
- find out how to find the script's dir.
- Emacs NEWS.26
- Emacs: Format Python Code 🚀
- Emacs: Run Shell in Emacs
- The Roadmap to Completely Replace Emacs Key System, Part 2
- Emacs Keybinding List
- Emacs: Format JavaScript Code 🚀
- Elisp: Call Shell Command
- Elisp: URL Percent Encode/Decode using JavaScript
- Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2015-02
- Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2012-12
- Xah Emacs Blog Archive 2011-10
- remove xah pdf at curve site
- 2024-05-14
- list all .nb link in plane curves. work on them one by one
- remove all
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- need to put a xah js package page
- JS: Factorial 🚀
- put pre js 2015 code each to separate page, and create a index of them
- JS: Convert Object to Map 🚀
- 2022-01-09 compare the speed (benchmark) of find replace of emacs lisp, python, golang, WolframLang
- in my YouTube, clean up the xah emacs tutorial playlist, and WolframLang playlist
- on this page and more, maybe css shrink background image
- Starry Wallpaper Gallery
- Tilings and Patterns#rb_basic_islamic-p
- browser back button no work Tilings and Patterns#rb_basic_islamic-p
xtodo put in clips
- how to choose a mouse.
- trackball with 2 scroll wheels.
- trackball with 2 balls.
- https://youtu.be/vXkXnpAOW-c?t=2219
- vertical tabs reloaded
- https://github.com/Croydon/vertical-tabs-reloaded
- remove all copyrighted audio files e.g. Mazzy Star - Flowers in December 🎵
todo 2024
- 1 hour math
- 1 hour homotopy type theory
- 1 hour WolframLang plane curves
- 1 hour lean
- make my code block to have a copy code button. e.g. check powershell site get-childitem for example
- discord chat exporter / logger https://github.com/Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter
- fix filesharing with mac.
- Share File from Windows to Mac via wifi
- setup my internal file sharing network
- fix xah-html-any-to-link
- c:/Users/xah/web/xahlee_info/xli_search.html?q=eric
- http://xahlee.info/xli_search.html?q=whitespac
- python dictionary keeps order https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-December/123028.html
fix html
- complete tutorial on number literal of different langs
- JavaScript number literal expression
- python number literal expression
- WolframLang number literal expression
- emacs lisp number literal expression
- iphone setup
- kinesis keyboard do
- livestream
- download discord
- https://github.com/Tyrrrz/DiscordChatExporter
- fix spelling 「creat 」
- make all line after 「dd」 has a 「p」 tag
- 2023-08-27 make a short vid on YouTube so that the main page shows am still creating
- 2023-08-26 CC_Engine_x64.exe maybe uninstall
- 2023-08-26 powershell, mod copy to xgpc, dir name, include a random string CnZmm
- 2023-06-07 index 2018-02-07 new
- look into nest wifi.
- polish up the notes on probability, stat, python
- do the twitter card elisp, at least on the keyboard blog pages
- workout the one page of css flex
- move the css pages out of js dir
- read the wolfram blog, finish reading the chatgpt page
css flex
.MTckf { display: flex; display: inline-flex; flex-direction: row; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: wrap; flex-wrap: nowrap; flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; flex-basis: 1200px; justify-content: flex-start; align-self: auto normal stretch center start end self-start self-end flex-start flex-end baseline first last safe unsafe; align-items: center; align-content: flex-start; } .VkjpW { flex-grow: 2; flex-shrink: 2; flex: 1 1 300px; flex-basis: 300px; order: 2; }
# 2023-05-10 # by kite def f1(tupleLength, maxVal): ret = [[]] for i in range(tupleLength): temp = [] for j in ret: for k in range(1, maxVal + 1): temp.append(j + [k]) ret = temp.copy() return ret # by george def f2(tupleLength, maxVal): return [tuple(i // (maxVal**(tupleLength - j - 1)) % maxVal + 1 for j in range(tupleLength)) for i in range(maxVal**tupleLength)] xx = f2(3,4) # xx = f2(3,4) for i in xx: print(i) # (1, 1, 1) # (1, 1, 2) # (1, 1, 3) # (1, 1, 4) # (1, 2, 1) # (1, 2, 2) # (1, 2, 3) # (1, 2, 4) # (1, 3, 1) # (1, 3, 2) # (1, 3, 3) # (1, 3, 4) # (1, 4, 1) # (1, 4, 2) # (1, 4, 3) # (1, 4, 4) # (2, 1, 1) # (2, 1, 2) # (2, 1, 3) # (2, 1, 4) # (2, 2, 1) # (2, 2, 2) # (2, 2, 3) # (2, 2, 4) # (2, 3, 1) # (2, 3, 2) # (2, 3, 3) # (2, 3, 4) # (2, 4, 1) # (2, 4, 2) # (2, 4, 3) # (2, 4, 4) # (3, 1, 1) # (3, 1, 2) # (3, 1, 3) # (3, 1, 4) # (3, 2, 1) # (3, 2, 2) # (3, 2, 3) # (3, 2, 4) # (3, 3, 1) # (3, 3, 2) # (3, 3, 3) # (3, 3, 4) # (3, 4, 1) # (3, 4, 2) # (3, 4, 3) # (3, 4, 4) # (4, 1, 1) # (4, 1, 2) # (4, 1, 3) # (4, 1, 4) # (4, 2, 1) # (4, 2, 2) # (4, 2, 3) # (4, 2, 4) # (4, 3, 1) # (4, 3, 2) # (4, 3, 3) # (4, 3, 4) # (4, 4, 1) # (4, 4, 2) # (4, 4, 3) # (4, 4, 4)
- use this as my html formatter https://beautifier.io/ • https://github.com/beautify-web/js-beautify
- 2022-12-25 Xah Shorthand System (Abbrev Input)
- 2023-03-01 PowerShell add a how to rename file
don't know what this means
- on graph theory, finite math, discrete math, and professional math branches, how to learn, best math books, homotopy type theory, category theory! https://youtu.be/40Zfg4ATB_I?t=118
"require" is similar to the C include, which may cause newbie confusion. (One notable difference is that locals inside the required file "evaporate" when the require is done.)
The Ruby include is nothing like the C include.
The include statement "mixes in" a module into a class. It's a limited form of multiple inheritance. An included module literally bestows an "is-a" relationship on the thing including it.
---- The require method does what include does in most other programming languages: run another file. It also tracks what you've required in the past and won't require the same file twice. To run another file without this added functionality, you can use the load method.
The include method takes all the methods from another module and includes them into the current module. This is a language-level thing as opposed to a file-level thing as with require. The include method is the primary way to "extend" classes with other modules (usually referred to as mix-ins). For example, if your class defines the method "each", you can include the mixin module Enumerable and it can act as a collection. This can be confusing as the include verb is used very differently in other languages.
• include. The include statement "mixes in" a module into a class. It's a limited form of multiple inheritance. An included module literally bestows an "is-a" relationship on the thing including it.
include : mixes in specified module methods as instance methods in the target class extend : mixes in specified module methods as class methods in the target class
- include : mixes in specified module methods as instance methods in the target class
- extend : mixes in specified module methods as class methods in the target class
What you have said is correct. However there is more to it than that.
If you have a class Klazz and module Mod, including Mod in Klazz gives instances of Klazz access to objects to Mod's methods. Or you can extend Klazz with Mod giving the class Klazz access to Mod's methods. But also you can extend an arbitrary object with o.extend Mod. In this case the individual object gets Mod's methods even though all other objects with the same class as o do not.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsZXQX55bOI&t=3806s
- Code formatting. demo of the extreme idiocy of Python JavaScript Ruby LISP Haskell industrial coders of the past 30 years
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsZXQX55bOI&t=3532s
- condense multi-lines of code into single line.
xinput = " [D] [N] [C] [Z] [M] [P] 1 2 3 move 1 from 2 to 1 move 3 from 1 to 3 move 2 from 2 to 1 move 1 from 1 to 2" Function[{x}, Module[{xStacksString, xProcedureString,xLinesOfStackConfig}, {xStacksString, xProcedureString} = (StringSplit[ # , "\n\n" ]& @ x); xLinesOfStackConfig = StringSplit[ StringReplace[ xStacksString, { "[" -> " ", "]" -> " " } ], "\n" ]; xColumnCount = StringCases[ Last@xLinesOfStackConfig , RegularExpression[ " (\\d+) *$" ] -> "$1" ][[1]]//ToExpression; xListOfStacks = ((DeleteCases[ # , "" ]) &) /@ Transpose @ (Drop[ #, -1 ]&) @ (StringTrim /@ (StringPartition[ #, 4 ]&) /@ (StringPadRight[ #, xColumnCount * 4 ]& /@ xLinesOfStackConfig )); (* {{"N", "Z"}, {"D", "C", "M"}, {"P"}} *) xProcedureNumbers = ToExpression @ StringSplit@ (StringSplit[ StringReplace[ xProcedureString , { "move " -> "", "from " -> "", "to " -> "" } ] , "\n" ]); (* {{1, 2, 1}, {3, 1, 3}, {2, 2, 1}, {1, 1, 2}} *) ] ]@xinput (* move p (number of times) from stack m to stack n *) fmove[{p_, m_, n_}, xstacks_] := Nest[ReplacePart[#1, {n -> Prepend[#1[[n]], First[#1[[m]]]], m -> Drop[#1[[m]], 1]}] &, xstacks, p] xResultStacks = Fold[ fmove[#2, #1]&, xListOfStacks, xProcedureNumbers ] Function[{x1,x2},expr] Replace[ expr , fmove[{p_, m_, n_}, xstacks_] :> Nest[ReplacePart[#1, {n -> Prepend[#1[[n]], First[#1[[m]]]], m -> Drop[#1[[m]], 1]}] &, xstacks, p], {1} ] xResultStacks = Fold[ Function[{x1,x2},expr][#2, #1]&, xListOfStacks, xProcedureNumbers ] xAnswer = StringRiffle[ Cases[xResultStacks, {x_,___} -> x] , "" ] xAnswer === "CMZ" (* xAnswer === "DHBJQJCCW" *)
- 2022-08-01 update xah site search, show url
- write WolframLang json.
- 2022-09-29 write code to count word frequency, of my site. and bigram. use golang and WolframLang
- mod the python find/replace or just find version, so it prints context.
- mod the perl find/replace script, so it has a no-write to file option.
- fix the wolframlang script. WolframLang: Script to Find/Replace Strings in a Dir
- mod the WolframLang find/replace script, so it has a no-write to file option.
- mod the wolframlang version, so it also prints context.
- modify all these scripts, so they can run in command line with standard powershell or bash option syntax.
- then, do bench mark. then, in coming days, maybe morrow, do a proper livestream on this.
// click to hide all pre // get pre element // on click, toggle show hide const xpreEle = document.getElementsByTagName("pre"); const f_hide_pre = ((xelm) => { if (xelm.style.visibility) { xelm.style.visibility = "hidden"; } else { xelm.style.visibility = "visible"; } }); for (let kk of xpreEle) { kk.addEventListener("click", (x) => f_hide_pre(x.target), false); }
- 2022-10-31 do something about Syntax Coloring with Google-Code-Prettify they all have same title
xah-html-toggle-syntax-color-tags xah-html-htmlize-region xah-html-htmlize-string xah-html-redo-syntax-coloring-buffer xah-html-htmlize-region
- 2022-08-24 check for the topic box, if mentioned in generic index Programing Style: Concrete vs Abstract Code
2022-08-23 convert pre class="bash"
to pre class="shell"
for code block that's app not bash
- 2023-08-01 win_choco.html
(query-replace-regexp "\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]\\) \\([^<]+\\)<\\([^>]+\\)>," "{date: \"\\1\", name: \"\\2\", email: \"\\3\", product: \"js\"}," nil nil nil nil nil)
- 2022-07-24 golang v1.16 new
function https://pkg.go.dev/path/filepath#WalkDir • Golang: Walk Directory, List Files
- 2022-07-19 https://github.com/wizarddata/Ergo-S-1
- 2022-07-19 need work Old Trackballs
- 2022-07-19 Microsoft ergo trackball https://patents.google.com/patent/US6556150B1/ • https://www.reddit.com/r/Trackballs/comments/g6mneu/the_patent_on_the_microsoft_trackball_explorer/
- 2022-07-19 history of trackballs https://forum.trackballs.eu/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=96
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Trackballs/comments/s3ejw8/microsoft_trackball_explorer_for_free/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Trackballs/comments/lwpl6a/new_microsoft_trackball_explorer_impressions/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Trackballs/comments/ttyo17/microsoft_trackball_explorer_v10_revival/
- keyboard mouse in movies https://deskthority.net/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=5279&p=469686&hilit=xah#p469686 • https://deskthority.net/viewtopic.php?f=62&t=5279&p=469686
- rename some article. to programing problem or programing toy problem Programing Problems Index
- 2022-06-25 Navigational Panel Design
- 2022-06-08 change xah-css-mode color
Latest observation on the webdev milengen zoomer web design guru framework faaks. This began about 2019 or so. Sites no work if u don't have cookies on. Having JavaScript on no matter. Started to happen all over. Wallstreet journal, imgur, reddit, etc. (might be off on the specific sites, but it's wildfire).
- 2022-05-19 https://twitter.com/korlis9999/status/1523582099084943360
- 2022-05-11 write a article for kinesis
- 2022-05-11 blog. on unix bin sbin etc. http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/busybox/2010-December/074114.html
- 2022-05-08 css. write a tutorial on
- 2022-03-25 Unicode Search 🔎 add searching alt names, e.g. search santa, swastica
thinking of writing a twitter bot to delete all my tweets.
- https://github.com/abecode/twitter-logger/blob/main/listen-and-log.py
- 2022-03-05 ❮https://twitter.com/AbeKazemzadeh/status/1500189453330960386❯ Here's a script for listening to the twitter api, https://github.com/abecode/twitter-logger/blob/main/listen-and-log.py . Posting shouldn't be much more complex from an api perspective.
- 2022-03-05 ❮https://dev.to/dowenb/hosting-a-twitter-bot-for-free-on-heroku-2h6c❯ ❮https://twitter.com/edo9k/status/1499944950766657541❯ I used this guide. It shows you how to write the bot amd host it on heroku. But all you need is the developer keys from twitter and a library like Twit (for Node). There are equivalent libraries for all popular languages.
- 2022-03-05 ❮https://github.com/sns-sdks/python-twitter❯ ❮https://twitter.com/dysgenic_onion/status/1499947818907099139❯ I simply used python-twitter API and looked through the documentation for what I was after.
- https://tweetdelete.net/faq/
- https://redact.dev/services
- twitter client https://github.com/zedeus/nitter
- 2022-01-14 https://github.com/xahlee/xah-fly-keys/issues/69#issuecomment-1013403197
- 2022-01-14 https://github.com/xahlee/xah-fly-keys/issues/67#issuecomment-1013399088
- 2022-01-13 fix Xah Lee Feeds
- 2022-01-21 windows, how to delete these folders
~/Pictures/Camera Roll/
~/Pictures/Saved Pictures
- 2021-12-05 finish Sugar Syntax: Compiler Level vs User Level
- 2022-03-14 https://preactjs.com/
- 2022-01-27 read https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-label
- 2021-12-26 read about english phonetics
- 2021-04-29 https://github.com/LingDong-/rrpl (Recursive Radical Packing Language (RRPL) is a proposal for a method of describing arbitrary Chinese characters concisely while retaining their structural information)
website minor fix
- 2022-03-06 css, hide element Visual CSS
- 2022-03-15 css, line-height:150%; line-height:1.9;
- 2022-01-11 dark theme fix. check all CSS, add a random color button for backgroundcolor
- 2022-01-12 dark theme fix. search
<pre class="lsl">
- 2022-01-11 CSS: Text Shadow background color not work
- 2022-01-31 css need to write up on smaller and larger. redo page CSS: font-size
xahweb user facing
- 2021-11-17 make the back nav bar all point to semantic noodle Semantic Noodle
- 2021-11-17 merge the many webfeeds. just programing, periodic dosage. http://xahlee.org/subscribe.html
- 2021-12-17 remove the sitemap.html, check all sites Xah Lee Web 李杀网 Sitemap
- 2021-11-25 make a side panel for Logo Design in Software Industry
xahweb, less important
- 2021-11-18 remove or move [~/web/xahlee_org/bb] [~/web/xahlee_org/creatures/extinct_animals.html]
- 2021-11-17 search and fix ppp8745 on xah sites
- 2021-11-17 resolve [~/git/xahsvg/xah_svg_core.ts] [~/git/xahjs/xahjs.ts]
- 2021-11-17 resolve [~/xdoc/xahsite_web_todo/xx_2021-10-09_htaccess_orig]
- 2021-11-17 remove the links to big org sites http://xahlee.org/wordy/words/gre.html
Windows command.exe notes
- Scripting Tech on Windows
- Command shell overview ❮https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-xp/bb490954(v=technet.10)❯
- Windows Script Host
- Windows commands ❮https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/windows-commands❯
- wscript ❮https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/wscript❯
- cscript ❮https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/cscript❯
- cmd exe syntax ❮https://ss64.com/nt/syntax.html❯
- 2021-08-09 add a page on dvorak single handed layouts.
- 2021-07-06 ❮https://discord.com/channels/630186623555862538/642847296052264971/862009494639476746❯
- 2021-07-10 https://x.com/rzwv/status/1413761072998219776/photo/2
- need to fix the char frequency. need more corpus Ergonomic Keyboard Layouts
- Character Frequency Plot
- 2021-04-29 work in progress Bigram Calculator
- change char frequency chart diagram to svg. e.g. Myth of QWERTY vs Dvorak Layout , check all pages.
- 2021-05-20 change to svg Russian Keyboard Layout
- add a write toggle
- Perl: Find Replace String Pairs in Directory
- Python: Find Replace Text in Dir
add to Ergonomic Keyboard Layouts
- notgate sfb minimized layout ❮https://notgate.github.io/layout/❯
- isrt layout ❮https://gist.github.com/semilin/62412be0b185cafa5d95895e11073f2b❯
write about reading writing to file.
write about -replace
operator with block code for replacement.
and document on the captured string's type
- 2021-05-17 study ~/git/uMatrix/src
https://youtu.be/kmW6bikZKe0 How To do a Checkup on Windows Mar 19, 2021 Chris Titus Tech
keyboard read
- 2021-10-29 read chinese shuangpin heatmap [2021-10-29 https://github.com/district10/shuangpin-heatmap]
- 2021-11-10 read [ https://www.reddit.com/r/MouseReview/comments/lp1v1z/productivity_mice_megareview_15_mice_compared/]
here's a short account of modern taiwan history since ww2.
I was born in taiwan, 1968. Left in 1982 at age 14. (to escape mandatory military service) My parents are from china. Dad had a sister, 3 years old, died in shanghai during jp bombing.
China had civil war, between communist (CCP) and nationalists (Kuomintang aka KMT), before ww2. During ww2, jp invasion, they kinda agreed to work together fighting jp. After ww2 (1945), the civil war resumed, and is bloody as ever. In the end, communist party won, lead by mao. The nationalists, led by Chiang Kai-shek, escaped to taiwan in 1949, with his top generals and soldiers and family (1 to 2 million). (my dad's dad, is part of it)
Mao would have chased over and finished the job. Except, us has its 8th fleet at the taiwan strait. basically, usa supports the nationalists.
Chiang's taiwan, is basically authoritarian. any who disagree are jailed or killed. (big example, the historian Li Ao. went to jail for several years. no usa help. Died in 2018) (there were a few massacres) usa, supported it, in the name of “democracy”. (and usa soldiers, rape taiwan women, or enjoys a superior race status. My had told me stories i vaguely remember)
( “taiwaness” means quite a lot of things. 95% are han chinese. of which, the Hoklo, the Hakka, and waishengren (or “mainlanders”) it can mean those who are in taiwan before nationalist arrived. it's (which we call “taiwaness”.) taiwaness indigenous aboriginals. it can mean han chinese. (including, already in taiwan and chinese arrived with chiang from china) )
from 1990 to 2000, taiwan started to become more multi-party “democratic”.