Geometric Inversion

geo inv 2022-11-23 vGSrh
Inversion of a rectangular grid on the grid points.
geoInv = ((With[{x930 = # . #}, If[x930 < 0.00000001, #, #/x930]]) &);
cArray = CoordinateBoundsArray[{{-1, 1}, {-1, 1}}, Into[14]];
vLines = (BlockMap[Line, #, 2, 1] &) /@ cArray;
hLines = (BlockMap[Line, #, 2, 1] &) /@ Transpose@cArray;

gp1 = {hLines, vLines};
gp2 = gp1 /. Line[x_] :> Line[geoInv /@ x];

gr1 = Graphics[gp1, Axes -> True]
gr2 = Graphics[gp2, Axes -> True]

GraphicsGrid[{{gr1, gr2}}]
grid inversion
Inversion of a rectangular grid. (only the grid points are inverted, then they are connected by lines after the inversion).


Geometrical inversion seems to be due to Jakob Steiner (“the greatest geometer since Apollonius”) who indicated a knowledge of the subject in 1824. He was closely followed by Adolphe Quetelet (1825) who gave some examples. Apparently independently discovered by Giusto Bellavitis [] in 1836, by Stubbs and Ingram in 1842-3, and by Lord Kelvin in 1845. The latter employed the idea with conspicuous success in his electrical researches. (Robert Yates: Curves and Their Properties.)


Geometric Inversion

Geometric Inversion is a transformation. Let P be a given point. Let c be a circle centered on O and radius r. The inverse of P with respect to c is a point Q on the line[O,P] such that distance[O,P] * distance[O,Q] == r^2.

inversion definition

From this definition, few properties can be seen easily:

  1. Q is a inverse of P if and only if P is a inverse of Q.
  2. Points inside the circle are mapped to the outside and vice versa.
  3. Points on the circle are fixed points (i.e. the inversion of any point on the inversion circle is itself).

The center of the inversion circle is called the pole.

Inversion Of A Curve

The inversion of a curve is the inversion of all points on the curve.


Point in Rectangular Coordinate

The inversion of a point {x,y} with respect to a circle centered at {a,b} and radius r is:

Clear[ geoInversion ]
geoInversion[{x_,y_}, {a_,b_}, r_] := {x-a,y-b}*r^2/((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2) + {a,b}

when the inversion circle is centered at origin with radius 1, we have:

geoInversion[{x,y}, {0,0}, 1] === {x, y}/(x^2 + y^2)

Geometric Inversion Formula Derivation

The derivation can be easily done by thinking in vectors.

Suppose the inversion circle has radius r at origin. Suppose we have a vector P with coordinates {x,y} . We want to find a vector Q such that length[P]*length[Q]==r^2 and Q have the same direction as P.

Now, the length of P is Sqrt[x^2+y^2] . We have length[Q]==r^2/Sqrt[x^2+y^2] .

The vector Q is a vector in the direction of P with length r^2/Sqrt[x^2+y^2] . We multiply the unit vector in the direction of P with the desired length: (P/length[P])*(r^2/Sqrt[x^2+y^2]) , which simplifies to


This is the formula for inversion of a point {x,y} with respect to a circle centered on origin with radius r.

Now, if the pole O is not at the origin, we can derive the formula by first translating O and P so that O is at the origin, then do the inversion, then translate the inverted point in reverse direction. In formulas, suppose the of O is {a,b}, the coordinate of P' is then {x-a,y-b} and O is {0,0}. Applying the inversion formula {x,y}*r^2/(x^2+y^2) , we have {x-a,y-b}*r^2/((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2) . Translate it back, we have: {x-a,y-b}*r^2/((x-a)^2+(y-b)^2) + {a,b} .

Polar Coordinate

Give a curve with polar formula r==f[θ], its inverse curve with respect to a circle centered on the pole with radius k is r==k^2/f[θ] .

Give a curve with parametric formula in polar coordinate: {f[θ],θ} , its inverse curve with respect to a circle centered on the pole with radius k is {k^2/f[θ],θ} .


Inversion of Circle

parall lines inversion colinear circles inversion
Inversion of parallel lines and co-linear circles.

The inversion of a circle or line is a circle or line. Let O denote the center of inversion. We have:

Curve ACurve B
(A)line through Oline through O
(B)line not through Ocircle through O
(C)circle through Oline not through O
(D)circle not through Ocircle not through O
inversion inversion inversion inversion inversionMovingCircle
Inversion of a moving circle. The yellow circle is inversion circle.
Inversion of A Circle
inversion inversion inversion inversionMovingLine
Inversion of a moving line. The yellow circle is inversion circle. Inversion of A Line

From the formula of a inversion of a point, and the theorem that circle invert to circles, we can easily derive the formula of a Circle[{c1, c2}, s] inverted wrt Circle[{o1, o2}, r], is:

Circle[({c1, c2} - {o1, o2})/oc*(oc r^2/(oc^2 - s^2)) + {o1, o2},
 Abs[r^2 s/(oc^2 - s^2)]]

where oc is the distance from {c1,c2} to {o1,o2}

Invariance of Angles

Angles are preserved under inversion with reversed sense. That is, if two curves intersect with angle α, their inverse will also intersect with angle α but in a reversed direction of sweeping.

Inversion Angle Invariance

inversion parallel lines-pre inversion parallel lines
Inversion of a finite rectangular grid. Note that the flower-shaped hole in the center is originally the edge boundary of the grid. Note that line segments invert to incomplete circles. Note that circles intersect in right angles. The inversion of a rectangular grid becomes essentially circles with centers lying on the x-axis and y-axis, and all circles sharing a common point at the origin.

Peaucellier Linkage

Peaucellier Linkage is a mechanical contrivance for tracing the inverse of a curve. It is named after Charles-Nicolas Peaucellier (1832 to 1913) who discovered it in 1864. The significance of this simple linkage is that it solved the problem of converting a circular motion to a linear motion by a linkage that was believed to be impossible at the time.

Peaucellier linkage
Peaucellier Linkage. Peaucellier Linkage on a line

The linkage consists of six arms of fixed length (green and light blue lines in figure above), and five joints (point O, P, Q, E, D). To generate a inverse of a given curve (For example, a line in blue), fix point O in the plane and move P along the curve. The trace of Q will be the inverse of C with respect to O and radius Sqrt[a^2-b^2], where a and b are the length of the arms. To convert circular motion to linear motion, we simply need to restrain the motion of Q on a fixed circle passing O.

Hart's Linkage

Hart's Linkage is another mechanical contrivance for tracing the inverse of a curve. The linkage consists of four arms of fixed length (green and light blue lines in figure below), four joints (point A, B, C, D), and three positions (O, P, Q) fixed on the arms. The two lengths (AB==CD, BC==AD) of the four arms are arbitrary. The fixed positions O, P, Q on the arms are also arbitrary with the condition that O, P, Q must be collinear and parallel to AC. To trace a inverse of a given curve (For example, a circle in blue), fix point O in the plane and move P along the curve. The trace of Q (pink) will be the inverse with respect to O.

Hart's Linkage

We have derived the radius of inversion with Hart's linkage is r == Sqrt[ (AO)*(BO)*/(AB)^2*(AD^2 - AB^2)].

Note that if we constrain point P of Peaucellier or Hart's linkage to move around a circle that passes point O, we have a mechanism that converts circular motion to linear motion.

Circle Inversion Gallery

Curve relations by inversion

Curve Center of Inversion Curve
line not on line; on circumference circle
circle not on circumference circle
conics focus; pole limacon of Pascal
ellipse, hyperbola center Oval?, lemniscate of Gerono
parabola focus; cusp cardioid
parabola vertex; cusp cissoid of Diocles
rectangular hyperbola center lemniscate of Bernoulli
rectangular hyperbola vertex; node right strophoid
hyperbola, e:=2/Sqrt[3] vertex; node trisectrix of Maclaurin
trisectrix of Maclaurin focus; -- Tschirnhausen's cubic
right strophoid pole right strophoid
equiangular spiral pole equiangular spiral
Archimedean spiral pole Archimedean spiral
lituus pole parabolic spiral
sinusoidal spiral pole sinusoidal spiral
epispiral pole rose
cochleoid pole; -- quadratrix of Hippias


inversion of sin curve
Two inversions of a sin curve. Inversion of Sine Curve

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